A.ADC 0890 chip is an N-bit A/D converter with M analog inputs, where M and N are A. 8 and 8.
A.alu stands for D. alu
B. the comparison transfer instruction is B. CJNE A, direct rel
B.803 1 single chip microcomputer If the crystal oscillation frequency is fosc= 12MHz, one machine period is equal to C. 1? s .
B.803 1 microcontroller timer T0 is d when it is used as timing mode. According to the internal clock frequency, one machine cycle is added with 1.
B.803 1 timer T0 of single chip microcomputer is C when it is used as counting mode. Count with external counting pulse, and add 1 to the falling edge.
B. Single chip microcomputer 803 1 timer T 1 is B when it is used as timing mode. Timed by the internal clock frequency, one machine cycle plus 1.
B.803 1 Timer T 1 of single chip microcomputer is used as the counting mode, and the counting pulse is A. The external counting pulse is input by T 1(P3.5).
B.803 1 The machine cycle of single chip microcomputer is 2? S, its crystal oscillation frequency fosc is about 6 MHz.
B.803 1 MCU * * * has five interrupt entries. At the same level, when five interrupt sources send interrupt requests at the same time, the content of the program counter PC becomes B.0003h. 。
B.803 1 single chip microcomputer crystal oscillation frequency fosc= 12MHz, then the period of machine A is B.1μ s. 。
P2 port of B 803 1 is connected to CE of 8 155 through an 8-input NAND gate, and the control port address of 8 155 is b B..FFFFH.
The timer T0 of B.803 1 is used as the timing mode, and the instruction A is applied to the mode 1( 16-bit counter). MOV TMOD, #0 1H initialization programming.
Timer T0 of B.803 1 is used for counting, and instruction c is applied to mode 1( 16-bit counter). MOV TMOD, #05H initialization programming.
The chip commonly used in the external program memory of B.803 1 is A. 27 16.
The P2.0 port of B.803 1 is connected with the CE of 8 155 through an 8-input NAND gate, and the address of the control port of 8 155 is d.ff03h. 。
B.803 1 After responding to an interrupt, the general processing procedure of the interrupt is a. Close the interrupt, protect the scene, open the interrupt, close the interrupt, restore the scene, open the interrupt and return the interrupt.
B.805 1 MCU A. P0 port is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port.
B.805 1 MCU transmits the address signal of external memory through port D. P0 and P2.
B.805 1 when the serial port working mode of single chip microcomputer is 0, C. input or output data serially from RDX, and output synchronous signal from TXD.
The VCC(40) pin of B.805 1 MCU is a. main power supply +5V pin.
The VSS(20) pin of B.805 1 single chip microcomputer is B. anchor.
B.805 1 MCU * * * has B. 5 interrupt source.
B.805 1 In the calculation of the initial count value of single chip microcomputer, if the maximum count value is m, the value of m in 1 mode is d..M==65536.
B.805 1 MCU has a P3 dual-function port.
B.805 1 MCU can transmit address signals and data in time-sharing. P0 port.
B.805 1 single chip microcomputer, the input/output pin for special second function is d.p3. 。
B.805 1 single chip microcomputer, the only 16-bit register available to users is d.dptr. 。
The program counter PC of B.805 1 is a 16-bit counter, and its addressing range is d.64k. 。
B. Convert the radix FFH of 16 into BCD code, and store the result in 20H 22H unit (1) b # 64h (2) bb (3) d #10h.
B. transfer the data block with the starting address of BLK 1 in the internal RAM to the area with the starting address of BLK2 in the external RAM until the ASCII code of the "#" character is encountered. The reference process is as follows: (1) d @ r0 (2) bsubb (3) cstop (4) bpop (5) bmovx (6) ainc.
B. Move 256 consecutive data stored in 2000H~20FFH to 3000H~30FFH unit (1) D # 2000h (2) B # 20h (3) D # 30h (4) A DPL.
B. Semiconductor memory can be divided into (1) and (2) in read-write mode. The on-chip data memory of MCS-805 1 has (3) bytes, and the on-chip program memory has (4) bytes 1) A RAM (2) D ROM (3) D65438+.
C.CPU is the core component of single chip microcomputer, which consists of two parts, the former is the core 1) arithmetic unit (2) controller (3)ALU.
C. The memory system divides the memory into different structures, and a program memory (2)D data register (3) a Harvard (4)D off-chip data register and I/O interface can be accessed by MOVX instruction.
D the direct address of the stack pointer SP in the internal RAM is c.81H.
D. after clearing the IT 1 and IT0 bits in the timer control register TCON, the external interrupt request signal mode is a. active at low level.
D is 803 1 single chip microcomputer, and its internal RAMD. Some can only be bit addressable.
D when the CPU responds to the interrupt request of timer T 1, the content of program counter PC is D..00 1BH.
D when the CPU responds to the interrupt request of external interrupt 0 INT0, the content of program counter PC is a.0003h. 。
D when the CPU responds to the interrupt request of external interrupt 1 INT 1, the content of program counter PC is C..000 13H.
D. When the D/A converter of DAC 0832 D/A is connected to P2.0 of 803 1, the address pointer DPDR register of 0832 in the program should be set to D .. three can be used.
D. When the IT0 of TCON is 1 and the CPU responds to the interrupt request of external interrupt 0, C. The hardware automatically clears IE0.
D when RS 1 and RS0 in the program status word register PSW are 0 and 1 respectively, the first working register group used by the system is B. Group 1.
D. when timer T0 sends an interrupt request, the condition of interrupt response is a.setbet0. 。
D when the external interrupt 0 sends an interrupt request, the condition of the interrupt response is b ... setbex0.
D. The ALE pin of 803 1 is B. The rectangular pulse with the frequency of 1/6 of fosc is output.
D. pin a of microcontroller 803 1. Must be grounded.
D. programs that can be directly run by a single chip microcomputer are called C. target programs.
D. After the microcontroller is powered on and reset, the contents of PC and SP are B..0000 hours, 07 hours.
D. In the debugging process of single chip microcomputer, the process of converting the source program into the target program by looking up the table is called A. ..
D. The program counter PC in the single chip microcomputer is used to store the address of the next instruction.
D. in the debugging process of single chip microcomputer, the process of converting source program into target program by looking up table is called a. assembly.
XTAL 1 and XTAL2 pins of D.805 1 are external crystal oscillator pins.
D. P0 and P 1 ports of single chip microcomputer must be A before being used for input. First, set 1 in the corresponding port.
D. The stack pointer SP of the singlechip always indicates the top of the stack.
D. When the working mode of the single chip microcomputer is the timed working mode, the initial counting value of the timed working mode is x = c..X=M-.
D after the microcontroller is powered on and reset, the maximum allowable range of the stack area is B.. 120 units.
D. After the microcontroller is powered on and reset, the maximum allowable range of the stack area is D of the internal RAM. 08H-7FH .
D. After the microcontroller is powered on or reset, the working register R0 is in the. 00H cell, zone 0.
D the microcontroller needs to occupy five P2 ports to expand an EPROM2764.
D. MCU applications are generally stored in b.inrom.
D PUSH and POP instructions in single chip microcomputer are often used in c to protect and restore the scene.
D. PUSH and POP instructions in single chip microcomputer are usually used to protect and restore the scene.
D. using MOVX A, @R 1 instruction c in single chip microcomputer. With the P2 port, the 1050H unit of the data memory can be addressed.
Unit d, 16 of internal RAM 40H is continuously cleared. (1) b # 40h (2) d #10h (3) a zero (4) B ACC (5) C ret
D decR0 and DJNZ R0 are both (R0)←(R0)- 1, but the former belongs to (1) instruction and the latter belongs to (2) instruction (1) B operation instruction (2)D control transfer.
D.djnzR0, rel This instruction contains two operands, the first operand R0 belongs to (1) addressing mode, and the second operand rel belongs to (2) addressing mode (1) B register (2)C relative.
D. The microcontroller chip consists of eight parts, namely, clock circuit data memory with parallel I/O port, serial port, timer/counter and interrupt system (1), a central processor (2) and a program memory.
D. There are several instructions in the single-chip microcomputer, which are divided into five categories:11.
D. When the program is executed to the end of statement X, the value of accumulator A is (1); When the program finishes executing the Y statement, the value of accumulator A is (2) (1) b12 (2) b 01h.
E binary number1101110 can be expressed as B.. 1B6H.
Two BCD codes in E. 20H unit are multiplied, and the result is stored in 2 1H unit (1) b # 0fh (2) b div (3) d ORL (4) a 21h in the form of BCD codes.
F. When accessing external memory or other interface chips, A is the data line and the low 8-bit address line. P0 port.
G.* * * The segment code of the character "2" displayed by cathode LED digital tube is C.5bh. 。
G.* * * The segment code of the character "6" displayed when the anode LED digital tube is driven by the frequency converter is C.82h. 。
G. after executing the following instruction sequence movSP, the value of SP is (1) after # 50h push ACC, and the value of accumulator ACC is (2) 1)D 5 1H (2) D unchanged.
G. according to the content of R2, branch to different branches (1) d # tbj1(2) d add (3) binc.dph (4) b @ a+dptr (5) bajmp prg0.
G. According to this program, execute (2) instructions after executing jmp instructions. This program is the program of (3) typical algorithm, and ■ is the program of (4) structure1) caddd (2) cajmp prg2 (3) a divergence (4) b branch.
I. port P0 of Intel 8031is d when external storage is used. Transmission low 8-bit address/data port.
1. I/O port addressing mode is 1) individual addressing (2) unified memory addressing.
I/O equipment is connected with CPU, which plays the role of 1) D interface circuit (2)B isolation (3)A latch (4)C conversion (5)C communication.
The instruction of bitwise logical exclusive OR of J.A and immediate number is C. XRL A, #data.
The instruction to transfer the contents of the internal data storage unit to the accumulator A is c .. November 1st, @R0.
J. The instruction to transfer the contents of the internal data storage unit to the accumulator A is B. MOV A, @Ri.
J instruction b must be used to transfer the contents of the internal data memory 083AH cell to the accumulator. MOVX A, direct.
J. Transfer the contents of the 3H cell of the internal data memory to the accumulator, and its instructions are a A..MOV A, 53H.
J. Converting the decimal number 2 15 into the corresponding binary number is A.11kloc-0/1.
J. Converting the decimal number 98 into the corresponding binary number is a. 1 1000 10.
J. Converting the binary number (1101) 2 into the corresponding octal number is B.151.
J. Converting hexadecimal number (1863.5b) 16 into corresponding binary number is B.1100001000/kloc. 0 10 1 10 1 1。
J. Convert the hexadecimal number 6EH into the corresponding decimal number C. 1 10.
K. The unconditional branch instruction that can control the program to turn to any unit in the 64K program memory address space is B..LJMP address 16.
Length LJMP jump space can reach d at most. 64KB .
The value of length accumulator A is 0FCH. After the instruction of RL A is executed, the value of accumulator A is 9FH( 1) B 0E 1H (2) C 5.
The length uses the timer/counter 1 to generate the 1ms timer, and uses interrupt programming to output a square wave with a period of 2ms at the P 1.7 pin. Let the frequency of the single chip microcomputer crystal oscillator be 6MHz, please complete the program (1) c0013h (2) afeh (3) c.