Ocean, civil engineering, architectural planning, foreign languages, transportation, rail transit, environmental science, automobile engineering, science college, economic management, material science, communication and art, women's college.
South campus:
Humanities, law and politics, movies
Jiading Campus:
Materials science, transportation, machinery, management, software, automobiles.
Huxi Campus:
Integrity College, Continuing Education College, Vocational Education
Hudong Campus:
The campus where graduate students live is said to have been sold to Caida.
Hubei Campus:
The Higher Technical College consists of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, the Department of Transportation and Electromechanical (Mechanical) Technology, the Department of Construction Equipment Engineering and Management, the Department of Humanities and Art Design, the Department of Civil Construction and Environment Technology, and the Department of Medical Technology and Nursing.
Zhangwu Road Campus:
Hudong was sold, and now many graduate students have moved here.