In Ann. mathmatics , invention. mathmatics , J. armel. mathmatics Socialist mathematics. , arch. Rational mecha. Anal. SIAM series periodicals, j.diff. Equation, J. functional analysis, Tran Master of mathematics. Ann. Indiana university mathematics. Nonlinear science, Israeli Journal of Mathematics. ,J. Optim。 Application of Theory, Journal of Global Optimization. European J. Oper. Res., published more than 350 SCI papers in international high-level journals such as J. Comput. Phys., Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Scandinavian Practical Magazine and IEEE Series Magazine, among which 3 papers have been published on Ann. mathmatics , invention. Math and J. Amer mathmatics One of the four top mathematical journals in the socialist world. Won the second prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education 1, the second prize of Chongqing Natural Science Award 1 and the third prize of Chongqing Natural Science Award 1. Obtained 2 patents authorized by the state. Write 3 academic monographs.
The college gives full play to the advantages of mathematical statistics in the economic and social fields, and provides a series of effective services for the economic and social development of the country and Chongqing. For example, this discipline, as one of the main supporting disciplines, participated in the construction of the "Industrial CT Nondestructive Testing Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education" and the formulation of industry standards. Promote academic exchanges and cooperation between experts and scholars in the field of mathematical statistics in Chongqing and their counterparts at home and abroad, and expand the influence and international popularity of Chongqing mathematical statistics in the country; Actively practice and popularize mathematics science education and activities, so that people can feel the interest and charm of mathematics; Give advice and suggestions for the economic and social development of the country and Chongqing, and so on.