If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; If you want to be sincere, let him know first. Knowledge exists in things. -"University"
Being honest, sincere, ambitious and sincere can cultivate one's self-cultivation and study. Diligence is reward, reward is knowledge, lack of knowledge, perseverance.
Virtue is virtue, and virtue is self-cultivation, self-cultivation and virtue. Encouraging learning is not to find fault with others, but to be self-disciplined and self-disciplined. Ancient scholars were themselves, and today's scholars are people. The study of a gentleman is also for beauty; Little people learn that birds are calves. Therefore, if you don't ask, you will be proud of it, and if you ask, you will be proud of it. Proud, no, ooh, no; A gentleman is like a man. -"Encourage learning"
To put it simply-study hard and practice hard with sincerity and make steady progress on the right path.