Operation method of career decision-making balance sheet:
1, determine your career decision considerations, such as sales, office work, and postgraduate entrance examination.
2. Fill in three schemes in the selected items in the balance sheet.
3. In the first column of career decision considerations, according to the importance and urgency of career choice to you, give it weight, the weight range is 1-5 times, and fill in the weight column. The greater the weight, the more you value this element.
4. Score. According to the elements in each scheme, the advantage is score, and the disadvantage is MINUS score, and the score range is 1- 10.
5. Planning method. Multiply the score and loss of each item by the weight to get the weighted score or loss, and calculate the sum respectively. Finally, the weighted total loss score is subtracted from the weighted total score to get the "gain and loss difference", and the final decision is made by this score, that is, the gain and loss difference of the three options is compared. The bigger the score, the more suitable your career planning is.
Decision-making balance sheet can help us to score the choices we face through assignment quantification, and can help us to look at each option more systematically and objectively. Decision balance sheet is a very general management tool.