Give up/&; #60 1; b & amp#230; nd & amp#60 1; Throw away; Give up, abandon
Get on board/&; #60 1; b & amp#596; On a ship (car); go aboard
Absolutely/'&; #230; Bachelor's and master's degree. #60 1; Lu: definitely t/a; pure
Absolutely/'&; #230; Bachelor's and master's degree. #60 1; Lu: tli/ ad. Complete; completely
Absorb/& #60 1; b & amp; #596; :b/ vt。 Absorption; Focus (attention)
Abstract/'&; #230; bstr & amp#230; Kt/n。
Enrich/&; #60 1; bλnd & amp; #60 1; Nt/a. has money; massive
Abuse/&; #60 1; Peking University: Z&; #60 1; Peking University: s/vt. Abuse; abuse
Academic/&; #230; k & amp#60 1; Demick/a of the college; academic
Speed up/&; #230; Causel & # 601; Real estate investment trust. (acceleration); promote
Visit/'&; #230; Kses/n. method; Channel entrance
An accident/&; #230; Ksi 'dentl/a. accident; unimportant
Accommodate/& #60 1; k & amp#596; m & amp#60 1; Deit/ vt。 Accommodation; Supply, supply
Accommodation /#60 1; ,k & amp#596; m & amp#60 1; dei & amp#643; & amp#60 1; N/n. hospitality equipment; Book a berth
Accompany/&; #60 1; kλMP & amp; #60 1; Ni/ vt。 Accompany; accompany
Finish/&; #60 1; k & amp#596; mpli & amp#643; /vt。 Achieve (a goal); accomplish
Meet/&; #60 1; k & amp#596; R&D and design. #60 1; Ns/n. consistent; Harmony; prize
Accordingly/&; #60 1; k & amp#596; r:di & amp; #33 1; Li/ad. Therefore, therefore; according to
Account/&; #60 1; Account name; Explain; account
Accumulate/& #60 1; No, no, no, no. gather
Accuracy/'&; #230; kjur & amp#60 1; Si/n. accuracy (gender); precision
Accurate/'&; #230; Accurate, correct
Get used to it/&; #60 1; kλST & amp; #60 1; Md/a. usually; habitual
Acid/'&; #230; Tin/nitric acid; Acidity, acidity
Acquaintances/& #60 1; Quinn & # 601; Ns/n. know; Understand; acquaintance
Get/&; #60 1; Kwai & # 601; /vt。 Get to get; acquire
Acre/Ike 601; Per acre (6.07 mu)
Adapt/&; #60 1; d & amp#230; Pt/ vt。 Adapt; adapt to
Addition/&; #60 1; Di 643; & amp#60 1; Addition, addition; appendage
Additional/&; #60 1; Di 643; & amp#60 1; Netherlands/Not applicable. additional
Address/&; #60 1; Dres/n. address; Speech; Conversation style
Enough/'&; #230; Dikwit/a. That's enough; Competent
Adjust/&; #60 1; d & amp#658; λλST/vt。 Adjust, adjust; rectification
Management/&; #60 1; Trei of Deminis & # 643; & amp#60 1; Management; administration department
Admission/&; #60 1; Demi & # 643; & amp#60 1; Admission is allowed; admit
Acknowledge/&; #60 1; Massachusetts institute of technology. Recognition; allow ...
Advance payment/&; #60 1; Deva language: ns/ vi. Forward; Improve the progress
Advanced/&; #60 1; D 'va: NST/a. Advanced; high-level
Adventure/&; #60 1; Derwent & # 643; & amp#60 1; /n. adventure; Exciting activities
Suggestions/&; #60 1; Devai & # 601; bl/n . wise; sensible
Event/&; #60 1; fe & amp#60 1; /n. things, events; affairs
Influence/&; #60 1; fekt/ vt。 Influence; touch control
Emotion/& #60 1; fek & amp#643; & amp#60 1; Kindness, love; worship
Affordable. #60 1; f & amp#596; R:d/ vt。 Can afford ...; provide
After/'a: ft&; #60 1; w & amp#60 1; D(z)/ ad。 afterwards
Age/Eid&; #658; ageing
Aggressive/&; #60 1; Aggressive; Aggressive; battlesome
Aircraft/'e&; #60 1; Kra: feet/feet plane
Alarm/&; #60 1; La: m/n. panic and anxiety; alarm
Alcohol/'&; #230; lk & amp#60 1; h & amp#596; alcohol
like/& amp; #60 1; The same, the same
Alloy/'&; #230; l & amp#596; I 601;' l & amp#596; I/n. alloy; Color quality (of metal)
The alphabet/'&; #230; lf & amp#60 1; Bit/n. alphabet
alter/' & amp; #596; :lt&。 #60 1; /vt。 Change, change; Change to-do list
Alternative/&; #596; :l 't & amp#60 1; :n & amp#60 1; Substitute; Choose, choose
Altitude/'&; #230; Lltitju: d/n. Height, height; important post
Aluminum/&; #230; Lu Mingjie & # 601; Aluminum parts
Surprise/&; #60 1; Mez/vt。 To surprise or amaze.
Ambulance/'&; #230; mbjul & amp#60 1; Ambulance; field hospital
At/&; #60 1; mλ& amp; #33 1; St/ prep in ... (= middle)
Entertainment/&; #60 1; Mju: z/vt。 Make fun of ...; Provide entertainment for.
Analysis/'&; #230; n & amp#60 1; laiz; vt。 Analyze, decompose, analyze
Analyze/sum. #60 1; n & amp#230; l & amp#60 1; Sis/n. analysis, decomposition, analysis
Ancestor/'&; #230; nsist & amp#60 1; /ancestor
Anchor/'&; #230; & amp#33 1; k & amp#60 1; Anchor, anchor
Ancient/'ein&; #643; & amp#60 1; Nt/a. ancient times
Ankle/'&; #230; & amp#33 1; ankle
Announce/&; #60 1; nauns/ vt。 Announce, announce, publish
Annoyed/& #60 1; n & amp#596; I/ vt。 Annoying; hinder
Year/'&; #230; Nanjing University & # 601; Los Angeles annual report
Expect/&; #230; Anticipate, anticipate
Anxiety. #230; & amp#33 1; g 'zai & amp#60 1; Ti/n. anxiety; yearn for
Anxiety/'&; #230; & amp#33 1; k & amp#643; & amp#60 1; S/a. worry; yearn for
Separate/&; #60 1; Pa: t/ad。 Separate; Separate; get rid of
Apologize/&; #60 1; Procter & gamble company. #596; l & amp#60 1; d & amp#658; Aiz/ vi。 Apologize, apologize, admit your mistake
Instruments/, 230; Procter & gamble company. #60 1; Real estate investment trust fund. #60 1; Serial numbers of instruments and meters; organ
Appeal/&; #60 1; pi:l/ vi。 & ampn. Appeal; condition
Appetite/'&; #230; Pitait/n. appetite; desire
Electrical appliances/&; #60 1; plai & amp#60 1; Appliances, equipment and instruments
Applicable/'&; #230; Plich & # 601; Bill of lading/bill of lading. Applicable; appropriate
Applications/&; #230; Prickly & # 643; & amp#60 1; N/n. request, application; use
app & amp#596; int/& amp; #60 1; Procter & gamble company. #596; Int/vt。 Appointment, appointment; appointment
Appreciate/& #60 1; pri:& amp; #643; it/ vt。 Appreciate; Understand; thank
Approve/&; #60 1; Prudential group. #60 1; Legal declaration of consent; agree with
Approve/&; #60 1; Prudential: v/vt. Agree with, praise; agree with
Approximate/&; #60 1; Public relations and advertising. #596; Approximate vt approach
Any/'a: Bitr &; #60 1; Ri/a. at will; secret
Architecture/'a: Kitekt &; #643; & amp#60 1; /n. architecture; style of architecture
a: gju:/vi。 Argument, argument, argument
Argument/'a: gju: m&; #60 1; Nt/n. controversy and debate; reason
Rise/&; #60 1; raiz/ vi。 Appear; Caused by ... ...
Arithmetic/&; #60 1; riθm & amp; #60 1; arithmetic
Arouse/& #60 1; Lauz. Arouse; awake
Clause a: TiKL/n. Clause; essay
Manual/a: ti 'fi&; #643; & amp#60 1; L/a. labor; Exquisite and artificial
Artistry/a:'tistik/ a/a a/a. artistry; artist
ash/& amp; #230; & amp#643; /n. ash, ash powder; bone ash
Ashamed/&; #60 1; & amp#643; Eimd/a. shame; shameful
aspect/' & amp; #230; Aspects; appear
Assemble/& #60 1; Assembly; Assemble. Assemble, summon; assemble
Assembly/&; #60 1; Components/component groups; Assembly; assemble
Evaluate amp#60 1; Evaluate (property, etc).
Assign/&; #60 1; sain/ vt。 Distribution; Distribution; appointment
Auxiliary/&; #60 1; sist/ vt。 Ask for help; Support sb with one's hands
Aid/&; #60 1; sist & amp#60 1; aid
Association/&; #60 1; Standard & Poor's. #60 1; u & amp#643; Ieit/ vi。 Partner, partner.
Association/&; #60 1; Standard & Poor's. #60 1; usi 'ei & amp#643; & amp#60 1; N/n. associations and groups; unite
Suppose/&; #60 1; Sju: male /vt. Hypothesis; Bear; appear
Ensure/&; #60 1; & amp#643; u & amp#60 1; /vt。 Persuade; assure ...
Shocked/and. #60 1; Science and technology. #596; Ni 643; /vt。 pleasant surprise
Astronaut/'&; #230; st & amp#643; & amp#60 1; United Nations & # 596; Astronaut/astronaut
& amp#230; Atlantic/&; #60 1; Teal & # 230; Ntik/a Atlantic
Atom/' and amp#230; t & amp#60 1; M/n. atom; Particles; Find; to find out
Atoms/&; #60 1; t & amp#596; mik/a . atomic; nuclear
Additional/&; #60 1; t & amp#230; t & amp#643; /vt。 Tie, tie and paste; extra
Reach; Reach.
Try/&; #60 1; Temptation; Temptation. attempt
Participate in/&; #60 1; Tendency; Tendency. Attend; Nursing, nursing
Attribute/'&; #230; t/ vt。 attribute ...
Audience/'&; #596; :dj & amp#60 1; Audience, audience, reader
Authority/&; #596; :'θ& amp; #596; Official authorities; force
Automatic/&; #596; :t & amp#60 1; m & amp#230; Tik/a. automatic; mechanical
Cars/'&; #596; :t & amp#60 1; m & amp#60 1; Bi: l/n. automobile
Auxiliary/&; #596; :g 'zilj & amp#60 1; Ri/a. auxiliary; accessory
Available/&; #60 1; Veil & # 601; Bill of lading/bill of lading. Available; universal
Avenue/'&; #230; Vinju:/n. Boulevard, road; avenue
Wait/&; #60 1; weit/ vt。 Wait, expect
Awake/&; #60 1; Wake up, wake up
Reward/&; #60 1; w & amp#596; : d/n. awards, awards; decision
aware/& amp; #60 1; We 601; /a. Be aware of
Terrible/'&; #596; unpleasant
Embarrassed/'&; #596; :kw & amp#60 1; D/a. clumsy; clumsy
ax/& amp; #230; Chop with an axe
tag/ t? G/n. additional words; label
Tailor/Tell? Cutting; Cut. Tailoring clothes
Stories; Details.
Talent/'t? l? A genius; Talent; talent
talk/ t? Talk about something. Talk about something.
Tame/teim/a. Tame; compliant
Tank/tk/n. tank; Large containers, tanks
tap/ t? p/ vt。 An intransitive verb & amp, tap
tap/ t? Part number plug; Lead vt. develop
Taste; Taste; Taste.
Technology/'teknik? L/a.technology
Trivial/'ti:di? Long and boring
Telegram/'teligr? Male/female
Telescope/'telisk? telescope
Temple, temple.
Temporary/'temp? r? Ri/a. temporary
Temptation; Temptation; Temptation. Seduce, seduce; attract
Temptation, temptation.
Tend to. Watch out, watch out, watch out.
Bid/bid/vi. Trend; trend
Tendency/'inclination? trend
Tender/'tender? /a. Bidding; frail
Nervous, nervous.
terminal/ 't? : minimum/a. terminal
Is it terrible? Bl/a. terrible; extreme
Territory/'terit? Li/North area; field
Terror/terror? terrifying
Textile, textile, textile
Theory/θi? Retick? L/A. Theory (1)
Thus/'? "e," white/ad. So, so, so.
So/'? e? f? :/ad。 Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to directly connect two independent sentences.
Thermometer/θ? m? Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Thermometer/thermometer
Thickness/'θ iknis/n. Thickness (degree); Density (degree)
Thorough /'θλr? /a. thorough; detailed
Thoughtful/'θ? : tful/a. considerate; Considerate
Thread/θ red/N. line; Silk; Threads; Main thread
Threat/θ ret/n.
Threats, threats. & threaten, intimidate
Grow sturdily/θraiv/ vi. Prosperity, prosperity, prosperity
Throat/θr? Ut/n. throat, throat; sound
Through/θru:'aut/ prep. Advertisements are everywhere.
Thrust /θ r λ st/vt. Insert, stab; Insert; laugh
Thunder /'θλnd? Thunder, thunder. shout out
So/? λ s/ad。 So, so; therefore
Tide, tide; tide
Tidy/'taidi/a. Neat; Neat/clean
Tin/tin/n.tin; Canned food
Tip. Click six. tip
Fetus/'Tai? /vi。 Tired and tired; be sick of
Tissue paper/tisju:/n. Tissue paper; organization
Toast/t? toast
Toast/t? Ust/n. toast; roast
toe/ t? Toes, toes
t? ilet/t? Toilet, washroom, bathroom
Tolerance/'t? l? r? Endure, tolerate; tolerate
Tolerance/no? l? Real estate investment trust. Endure, tolerate, forgive
tone/ t? Un/n. tone; pay attention to
torch/ t? :t? /n. torch, torch; flashlight
Torture/'t? : t/n. torture; Torture; Torture.
total/ 't? Six in all. Total * * *
touch/tλt? /vt。 Touch; Touch; touch control
tough/tλf/a . tough; graceless
Tour/map? /n . & amp; Travel, travel
Tourists/'slaughter? visitor
Towel/head? Lamp towel
Tower/pottery? /Tower Six. stand lofty and firm
Not tracking at all.
track/ tr? K/n. whereabouts; Path; railway
Tractor/'tr? kt? /n. tractor; tractor
Trade; Trade; Trade; Career six. trade
traffic/ 'tr? Fiji/northern traffic; traffic
Tragedy /tr? d? Idi/n. tragedy; Tragedy, tragedy
Trail; Trail; Trail.
Transfer/tr? ns'f? :/vt。 Transfer; Transfer.
transform/ tr? ns'f? :m/ vt。 Change; Transformation; change
Transformation/tr? nsf? mein/n . change; Transformation; change
Transformer/tr? ns'f? :m? /n. transformer
Transistor/tr? No more. transistor
Transmission/tr? Nz' min/n. transmission; Transmission; launch
Transmission/tr? Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Transmission; launch
Transparent/tr? Enspe? r? Nt/a. transparency; Easy to see through
Transportation/tr? ns'p? :t/ vt。 transport
Transportation/tr? nsp? Transport, transport, passenger transport
trap/ tr? Part number trap; Trick, trick.
Tray /trei/n
Wealth; Cherish; Cherish
Treatment; Hospitality. Treat guests; Handle hospitality matters
Treatment/'tri:tm? Nt/n. treatment; Treatment, therapy
Treaty; Treaty; Agreement, agreement
Tremble. Tremble, tremble; shake
Huge/repaired? very good
Trends/trends/vi. Reach out; trend
Try trai? Give it a try; submit to trial
Triangle/'trai? Triangle (shape)
Trick; Trick; Trick.
Neat; tidy/neat
Triumph/'trai? Mf/n. triumph; Victory six. success
Army /tru: p/n army; A group, a large number
Tropical? pik? Los Angeles. tropical zone
Trouble /' trλbls? M/A. is disturbing; annoying
Trumpet /'tr λ mpit/n
trunk/trλ? K/n. trunk line; A box, a suitcase
Trust; Trust. Believe; trust
Truth/tru: θ/n. Truth; True; realness
Tube/tju: b/n. tube; radio tube
tune/tju:n/n . tune; Harmonious. harmonious
Tunnel /'t λ nl/n
Turbine/'t? Turbine/turbine
Twin/ twins/a.
Distorted; Distorted; Deformation. Twist VI. And torsional bending.
The sixth category. type
Typewriter/'taiprait? /typewriter
Typical/'tipik? Los Angeles. typical
Tyre/ty? tyre
Finally/a. finally, finally
Unconscious /λn' k? lose consciousness
Uncover /λn' kλv? /vt。 Lift the lid of ... ...
Experience /λnd? g? Experience, endure, endure
Undergraduate /λnd? gr? college student
Underline /λnd? Underline ... ...
Bottom /λnd? Ni: θ/ad。 Below, below.
Undertake /λnd? teik/ vt。 Engage in; Bear; guarantee
Undo/'λ n' du:/vt。 Untie and open; cancel
Undoubtedly, it is /λ n' dautidli/ad. No doubt, for sure.
Uneasy/λ n 'i: zi/a.
Unexpected /'λ Niks' pektid/a
Uniform/'ju:nif? The same uniform
union/ 'ju:nj? N/n. society
Unique, unique
Unit/'ju: nit/n. unit; Unit; ingredient
Unite/ ju'nait/ vi。 unite
unity/' ju:Niti/n . single; Unification; unite
Global/ju:ni'v? :s? l/a . cosmic; universal
Unknown /'λn' n? Un/a. I don't know; unknown
Unless /'λ n' les/conj. Unless, if not,
Unlike/'λ n 'laik/a. Unlike …
Unlikely/λ n 'laikli/a. Not necessarily, not necessarily possible.
Uninstall /λn' l? Ud/ vt。 unload
upper/'λp? /a. above; high-level
Upright/'λ prat/a. Vertical; only
Upsetting /λ p 'set/vt.
Latest /'λpt?' Until recently, modern
Up /'λpw? D/a up
urban/'? :b? Of or living in a city.
Urge/? :d? /vt。 Advance; Urge [urge]
Urgent/'? : DNT/a. urgent; coercionary
Usage/'ju:zid? /n. use and treatment; use
' utiliti/n。
Use, use.
Extreme /'λTM? Ust/a. farthest limit
utter/'λt? /a. complete and thorough
utter/'λt? Send out, say, say
Yard/ja: d/n. yard, yard; space
Yard/ja: d/n. code
Yawn/j? Yawn; Yawn; yawn
Every year/'j? : Li/A. Annual Advertising Yearbook
Output/ji:ld/ vt. Output ['knt] n.
Youth/residence: θ/n. Youth; Young people; youth
zone/ z? United nations/n. region, region and scope _ _