McMaster University is a medium-sized university, famous for its research. The comparative research results include the heat-resistant patch on the surface of Columbia, the first American space shuttle.
The School of Engineering at McMaster University is particularly prominent. Her school of engineering was founded in 1958, and the first dean was Dr. John W. Huggins, a professor of chemical engineering from the Royal Military Academy. His school of engineering belongs to seven departments, including chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and engineering physics. It ranks among the best in its kind in Canada and even North America, so it enjoys the reputation of "Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Canada". Branding? ? o:p & gt;
It is also worth mentioning that McMaster University is also a Canadian university with a nuclear reactor (McMaster Nuclear Reactor-MNR). This nuclear reactor was put into use in 1959, and it is the first nuclear reactor built on the campus of Commonwealth University. Department of engineering physics of McMaster University also has a new nuclear engineering research project. The research project is under the charge of experts and professors from the departments of physics and aviation in department of engineering physics and department of mechanical engineering. She has cooperated with Canadian Atomic Energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Ontario Power Generation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and other institutions in the research of nuclear reaction physics, nuclear reaction instruments, melting technology and other fields.
McMaster University is first-class not only in traditional industries such as energy, materials, manufacturing and machinery, but also in high-tech fields such as digital communication and computer hardware.
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University: Jinzhong University Faculty: College of Arts 10.
Area: Shanxi Review: 4 articles
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