Of course it's hard. There is only one post for thousands of troops. Some people say that there are still so many people in remote places, but the fact is that there are also many people in remote places. No matter where, the competition is not small. If you want to apply for the civil service exam, you must work hard at 100%, and you must attend the interview training class when interviewing. Although the cost of the training course is very high, I believe you don't care as long as you can get in.
It is really difficult to take the civil service exam. When preparing for the exam, just like preparing for the college entrance examination in high school, learn the basic knowledge first, and then do the improvement questions. Do more sprint questions in the final stage. Be sure to use all the skills learned in the training class during the interview, and then pay attention to your mentality. Whatever the outcome, just face it normally.
Every year, many people fail to pass the civil service examination. Just stick to it and believe that you can do it.