Anatomy. What?
With the progress of mankind and the development of science and culture, human anatomy has produced different books on human anatomy in terms of research methods, emphases and purposes, thus gradually forming many unique branches: for example, according to the various systems that make up the human body, the organ morphology, structure and systematic anatomy of each system are studied and described one by one; According to the division of human body and the needs of medical surgery, the local anatomy of the shape, position and adjacent relationship of various structures in each body is studied and discussed. Artistic anatomy meets the requirements of painting and sculpture; Sports anatomy studies the morphological structure and functional relationship of human organs and structures in exercise and training; This paper expounds the basis of applied (surgical) anatomy and various clinical surgical levels. In addition, due to different research methods, there are macroscopic anatomy based on naked eye observation and anatomical operation, as well as microscopic and electron microscopic observation of tissues, that is, microscopic macrovision and ultramicroscopic anatomy. There are also human embryology or human genetics that specialize in the study of individual development and development processes and laws. In view of the rapid development of neuroscience and the trend that neuroscience may become the dominant discipline in the next century, and referring to the curriculum of medical colleges in developed countries, the two courses of systematic anatomy and local anatomy were reformed, and two courses of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy were established, that is, the original central nervous system was set separately to adapt to the development trend of neuroscience in the world and promote the rapid update of teaching content. Most of the remaining knowledge of human body morphology and structure belongs to this course, that is, gross anatomy teaching. The teaching of this course is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the structural knowledge of various systems and organs of the human body is briefly introduced, with lectures as the main part, supplemented by necessary confirmatory exercises. However, the skeletal system that constitutes the human scaffold needs to master all the contents needed at this stage. In the second stage, according to the individual parts of the human body, anatomical observation was carried out one by one. The basic way is that students, prompted by teachers, perform anatomical operations independently according to the contents of teaching materials, acquire knowledge of human body morphology and structure, and gradually cultivate and improve students' observation ability, analytical judgment ability and comprehensive induction ability, as well as certain anatomical operation skills. This stage is interspersed with necessary theoretical lectures, and the main task is to guide students to serialize and theorize the knowledge gained in practice.