The University of Wisconsin has the University of Wisconsin-Madison. University of Wisconsin-University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee-University of Wisconsin in Creaer (Oakland)-University of Wisconsin in Green Bay (Green Bay)-University of Wisconsin in Lacrosse (Oshkosh)-Kenosha: University of Wisconsin at Parkside-River Falls. University of Wisconsin-McMoney Stevens Point: Memominee: Stout University of Wisconsin-Spire (superior) marquette university, Carroll, Lawrence University, Biro. Leuther College Carl Department Bureau College Wisconsin Medical College Ripon College St. Norbert College Milwaukee Engineering College.
Wisconsin (abbreviated as WI) ranks 16 among the fifty states in the United States. It is bordered by Lake Superior in the northwest and Lake Michigan in the east. Area 145300 km2. The population is 5453896 (2000), and the urban population accounts for about 65%. Madison, capital. Wisconsin's name comes from Indian language, which means "a place full of grass".