With the convenience of take-out service, more and more college students choose to order take-out online. You can enjoy food without leaving home. Recently, however, a "Follow-up Survey of College Students in China" published by China Academy of Social Sciences shows that frequent online takeout will have an impact on the depression tendency of college students.
asurveyofuniversystudentsshowshatthoseswhoplacemoreonlineordersforfoods seemmorelikelytoffeel depressed。
The study conducted a detailed survey of college students in national 18 universities, and the data showed that 6.4% of college students ordered takeout online almost every day.
The data shows a percentage of 6.4% per day.
Secondly, 16% of whoplaceorders used these services for 3 to 5 times, and 2 1% of whoplaceorders used these services.
The data shows that 6.4% of college students order takeout online almost every day, 16% of college students order takeout three to five times a week, and 2 1% of college students order takeout 1 twice a week.