I ching is the leader of the classical literature group. Why don't sages and wise universities offer the Book of Changes?
The annotations in Zhouyi are full of Confucianism, because the children of Confucianism gave them annotations, including Confucius. Others can also comment. Yi is a book of hexagrams. Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties all have their own Book of Changes, such as Lianshan, Guizang and Zhouyi. The eight diagrams and 16 hexagrams that Wang Wen gave Fuxi became Zhouyi, and the annotation part was the "stubborn" part. Fuxi's 16 hexagram is just a picture, without words. Wen Wang has Confucianism. Zhouyi contains universal truth, which is hard to understand. Students pay more attention to the divination function of Zhouyi, so they can't start classes. Reading Zhouyi can be regarded as divination.