Ma Weiwei once said that Xiong Hao was younger than her, and Ma Weiwei was 37 years old in 1982, so Xiong Hao was only about 30 years old after 1985. What he has achieved now is beyond the reach of some professors in their forties and fifties. It is really commendable that he did it when he was young.
According to the data, Xiong Hao is a doctor of law from Hong Kong University, an associate professor at Fudan University Law School, and even published personal books, but that is the winner in life. Xiong Hao is a celebrity in the debate field. He once stood to the end in One Stop to the End and won the title of God of War in One Stop to the End.
Xiong Hao, the famous speech program "I am an orator", won the national championship. Xiong Hao's works include The Power of Listening and The Generation of Times.
Extended data
Xiong Hao is a promising young man with a good family background. It is said that his father is Xiong Shuxin, and Xiong Shuxin is also an accomplished scholar. But this did not get Xiong Hao's affirmation, because he was too low-key and said nothing about his parents and his marriage, so it was not clear whether he was married.
His educational background is horribly high, and so is his professional title. He is a top scholar in the field of international conflict resolution, an assistant professor at Fudan University Law School, a lecturer in compulsory negotiation course at Harvard University, a Shanghai Pujiang scholar, a doctor of law at Hong Kong University, and a Fulbright scholar at Harvard University.