If you meet a woman you like on the train and want to talk to her, the general saying is: "Shall we be friends?" "Can you leave a phone number?" "Can we have a drink?" Neither is good. The worst pickup line is, "Have we met somewhere?"
The correct way is to say "hello, I want to know you" directly, and the success rate is the highest. Is to abandon all unnecessary rhetoric, lies and nonsense, which we call nakedness! "Sometimes, greetings and intentions will make people feel that you are sincere and simple. In addition, "bare mountain" can also just examine the other person's first reaction to you. Stop if you don't have an eye margin, and continue if you have an eye margin, saving time and effort and exercising your psychological quality.
Principle 2: thick-skinned, less praise
The second principle of chatting up is thick-skinned and talk more about yourself. The most taboo is to praise others from the beginning, which will show that you have intentions and the other party will directly put you in the ranks of the younger brother of the hair salon. In order to avoid empty chat-up, you can say something in detail, such as "I just came out of the video store over there and saw you eating ice cream alone, and I ran over as soon as I got hot." This will make the other person feel that chatting up is very real and interesting.
You can learn about the famous domestic devil accosting theory, such as z-u-o-t-u-b-a point c-o-m, which has detailed instructions if you
You can see each other often, but never talk. You can come over and say hello sometime.
Remember that first impressions are very important. Keep smiling.
Tell her you've been paying attention to her for a long time, or ask her if it's such a coincidence that we meet every time.
Pay attention to manners when hitting on girls.
Good luck ~