Colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine generally have integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, clinical specialty of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and massage specialty. As far as courses are concerned, Western medicine is more important in China and the West, while Chinese medicine is more important in Chinese medicine (the basic course of Western medicine needs to be learned). Meridian acupoints and acupuncture and massage are more important, and the rest courses are similar to Chinese medicine. There is also a Chinese medicine major. The pharmacy major in traditional Chinese medicine colleges is generally pure western medicine.
Among the specialties of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and tuina is better in clinic. But people who often choose the west are the most. There are several sayings in traditional Chinese medicine schools. Learning from China and the West is neither in China nor in the West. In the end, it is still the West. Chinese medicine is better than Chinese medicine. The most promising is acupuncture and massage. Because the international craze for Chinese medicine began with acupuncture, not Chinese medicine. So quite a few people think it is more conducive to going abroad. Acupuncture is considered to be effective before traditional Chinese medicine in the world, and then it is accepted by all countries.
For medicine, you can't learn it well in three or five years. If you really choose to be a doctor, you must study hard all your life. Moreover, the state has a good policy on Chinese medicine and is vigorously supporting Chinese medicine. In the report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Hu clearly pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of traditional hospitals in the motherland. Therefore, it is not difficult for Chinese medicine practitioners to find employment. If you just graduated and want to go to the provincial level, it is basically impossible to go to a county-level general hospital unless you really have solid professional knowledge and skills. Otherwise, there would be no such opportunity.
In addition, university pharmacy is also better for employment, and you can work in some pharmacies, and the treatment of some big pharmacies is also very good.