Variety show is an entertaining TV program, which combines various art forms and brings a lot of joy to everyone.
The appearance of professional audience is to make the live effect of these variety shows better. On the one hand, their purpose is to stimulate the emotions of other audiences on the scene, and on the other hand, to set off the professional level of the stars.
Being an audience is actually very hard. Generally, programs have to be recorded for a long time, and some have to be recorded until late at night. The audience left earlier than the guest host (recorded the audience's lens in advance) and later than them. Sitting for hours at a time is actually quite painful. The studios are usually in the suburbs of Beijing, and the recording of programs is not smooth sailing, and there will be many unexpected situations. So it is common to record until one or two in the morning.
However, there are usually stars and big coffees in the past, which are more attractive and can still find audiences. In Beijing, there are still many opportunities to meet various stars face to face. Some better stars will also throw gifts and send autographs to the audience.