Curriculum of architecture major in southeast university;
First-year professional curriculum
Course Name Course Name Course Type Credit
Compulsory Course of Basic Architectural Design 16 Preliminary Architectural Design.
Sketch required course 12
Building mechanics I compulsory course of building mechanics I 2
I. Compulsory Course of Building Construction 2
Basic theory of architectural design I theory I: compulsory course of architectural design 9
Compulsory course of architectural drawing II
Introduction to the architectural viewpoint of the compulsory course of architecture 1
Second-year professional courses
Course Name Course Name Course Type Credit
Architectural design I compulsory course of architectural design I 16
Watercolor and Gouache Watercolor &; Gouache compulsory course 6
Building Mechanics II Building Mechanics II Compulsory Course 3
Building structure ii Building structure ii compulsory course 2
Architectural Design Theory ii Theory ii: Compulsory Course of Architectural Design II
building material
Building Structure Building Structure 0
Aesthetic education and artistic appreciation I artistic aesthetics I 0
Third-grade professional curriculum
Course Name Course Name Course Type Credit
Architectural Design II Compulsory Course of Architectural Design II 16
Building structure three compulsory courses of building structure two
Compulsory course of building equipment 3
Architectural physics I compulsory course of architectural physics I 2
Compulsory course of public building design principles 1.
Architectural History of China and Compulsory Course of China Architecture 5.
History of Foreign Architecture I History of World Architecture I Compulsory Course 4
Elective course 2 is limited to the structure of long-span buildings.
Building electrician Building electrical engineering is limited to elective course 2.
Aesthetics and Art Appreciation Ⅱ. Art Aesthetics
Fourth grade professional curriculum schedule
Course Name Course Name Course Type Credit
Architectural design three compulsory courses of architectural design 16
Compulsory course of urban planning principles 1
Classical pavilions and sketch design & China classical pavilions; Street furniture design is limited to elective course 3.
Environmental landscape is an elective course only 1.
Architectural Physics II Architectural Physics II Compulsory Course 4
Foreign Architectural History II Compulsory Course of World Architectural History II 1
Principles of residential building design
Specialized English required course 0
Architectural painting is an elective course only 1.
environmental ecology