First, family education.
Tutoring can be said to be the first choice for college students to take part-time jobs. First of all, tutoring is paid by the hour, and the hourly salary of newly-started college students is also around 60. Generally, it is no problem to get 3-4K a month for normal work. Secondly, family education belongs to the category of mental work, which is just in line with college students who are still in the student stage. It not only has high reliability and flexible time, but also can learn a lot of knowledge, such as how to plan time, how to communicate with parents, how to shape the self-image of family education and so on.
Second, physics part-time.
The advantage of manual part-time job is that you can earn a day's salary, and you can do it for a few days a month if you like. There will be many such part-time jobs near the university, such as handing out leaflets and playing with dolls, but the daily salary is 80- 100, so students who want to do manual part-time jobs should think carefully!
Third, online part-time.
Part-time job online is a matter of opinion. A good online part-time job, such as the submission of official WeChat account, probably needs 100-800. However, due to the saturation of the market, the competition for such manuscripts is fierce, and it is difficult for people with poor calligraphy to be competent. Of course, there are other forms of online part-time jobs, such as swiping a bill and playing an app. Although it can also bring a little income, there are many swindlers in this part-time job. Everyone must keep their eyes open to prevent being cheated.