1. The sixth case of personal pronouns
я → мне
ты → тебе
он → его
она → её
оно → его
мы → нам
вы → вам
они → их
2. The sixth case of possessive pronouns
Masculine/neuter feminine plural
мой / моё → моем моя → моей мои → моих
твой / твоё → твоем твоя → твоей твои → твоих
свой / своё → своем своя → своей свои → своих
наш / наше → нашем наша→ нашей наши → наших
ваш / ваше → вашем ваша → вашей ваши → ваших
его → его её → её их → их
Master-slave complex sentence: it is a complex sentence composed of two or more simple sentences with the help of master-slave conjunctions or related words.
Grammatically dominant simple sentences are called main sentences and subordinate simple sentences are called clauses.
Connectives and related words are generally located at the beginning of clauses. The main clause and the clause are usually separated by commas.
который is the most commonly used relative word, which is a substitute for the noun explained in the main sentence.
который: Which, which, which?
- Который час?
- Который раз?
который is not translated when used as a related word.
который changes in sex, number and lattice;
-Its gender and number are consistent with the words explained in the main sentence,
Case depends on its position in the clause, not the noun being explained.
For example:
1.Это мой друг.Я часто рассказывал маме о нём.
- Это мой друг, о котором я часто рассказывал маме.
Since the modifier друг is masculine and singular in the sixth case of the main clause and clause, the masculine, singular and sixth case forms-котором are used.
Attention! Don't forget the preposition!
2.- Я видел девушку.Я люблю эту девушку ..
- Я видел девушку, которую я люблю.
Because the modified noun девушка is feminine and singular, and it is the fourth case-котору?.
3.– Он любит студентов.Студентам нравится учиться ..
- Он любит студентов, которым нравится учится.
Because the modifier студенты is singular in the main clause and the third case in the clause, both the plural and the third case are –которым.
The rest follow this rule.
Extension: Russian modal particle analysis and detailed explanation of Russian exam
1, indicating modal particles
The * * * homonym of demonstrative modal particles refers to external things and phenomena, which play an important role in speech, including вот (see, that's it), это (that's it) and вон (see, that's it). For example:
(1) вотнашашкола. This is our school.
(2) воннашаилиотека. This is our library.
(3) Куа это вы иёте? Where are you going?
(4) вот, какоелат1000. You see, this should be the case.
In this kind of modal particles, вот appears most frequently. Its main meaning refers to what is near (вон means what is far away) and what appears in front of us, such as вотолгоаннный.
On the basis of the indicative meaning of вот, other meanings are often attached. Just like in a book, it means a change of meaning. The beginning or meaning of an action. For example:
( 1)Вот мальчик мой к нему похолит и речь коварную завоит.
So, my little boy came up to him and said some sly words.
(2) пётриванович, вотвас ..
Sometimes вот not only expresses directive meaning, but also expresses strong emotional color: surprise, ridicule, anger and so on. For example:
( 1) Вот нежианно! Какими суьтами? Too suddenly; What brings you here?
(2) Вот нелкпось же и нелепось! Ridiculous! That's ridiculous!
(3) Вот прелесть! источниквуньгуо Great!
вот is often used with demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns or adverbs to define the meaning of things. For example:
(1) вотвчiмвопрс. This is the problem.
(2) вотгеоказаласьошика. A mistake is a mistake.
вот and the modal particles и, еешё, такисочниии. For example.
(1) вотипришлиомой. We are finally home. (Expectations have finally come true)
(2) вотещёстуент. He is also a college student. (sarcastic condemnation)
(3) Вот так рыак! утьсамнанонеушёл. What a fisherman, he almost didn't feed the fish himself. (expressing contempt and ridicule)
2. Restricted modal particles
A finite modal particle is used to define and determine the meaning of a word or phrase in a sentence. Such modal particles are: именно (exactly )каказ (exactly )почти.
(2) делостоиткаказнаоо.
(3) тоуенесекрет, источни.
(4) то просто штука. This is just a joke.
(5) яземнойшарчутьневес 10000.
(6) уехалонприлизитеьнов
This kind of modal particles not only expresses the meaning of definition and determination, but also has the meaning of degree and quantity.