Naval Medical University specializes in basic medicine, biology, public health and preventive medicine, special medicine, pharmacy, biomedical engineering, foreign languages and literature, computer science and technology.
Diving medicine, military navigation medicine, military hygiene, preventive medicine, chemical defense medicine.
Pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacognosy, microbiology, biochemical pharmacy and pharmaceutical affairs management
Public health service
Basic psychology, military psychology, medical psychology, psychiatry, clinical diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
Tropical epidemiology, epidemiology, environmental hygiene, hygiene toxicology, biological defense (microorganism), chemical defense medicine.
Basic theory of TCM, TCM prescriptions, classic works, acupuncture and massage, TCM surgery, TCM internal medicine.
City where the key specialty of Naval Medical University is located: Shanghai.
Affiliated hospitals: First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Shanghai Changhai Hospital), Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Shanghai Changzheng Hospital) and Third Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital).
College Note: Naval Medical University was the former Second Military Medical University, and it was the original 2 1 1 engineering college.
Dominant disciplines: clinical medicine, basic medicine, biology, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, special medicine, public health and preventive medicine, nursing, etc.