Han Hai, a college student with an ordinary appearance but a mysterious life experience, devoted himself to the world of self-cultivation and explored the meaning of life. His life is quiet, but it also has its own moving characteristics. He buried himself in the library, hoping to continue. However, he inadvertently looked up at a stunning beauty. Her name is Shi and she comes from a star university. On weekdays, she is a member of the college women's basketball team and one of the "seven stars of women's basketball" that has attracted much attention. Privately, she holds a huge technology enterprise-Changyou Technology Group. She is a proud princess, but she is attracted by Han Hai, who is called a "bookworm". A drunken incident deliberately created by girls led Han Hai to have sex with seven prominent girls, including Shi, and then the unprecedented attention of seven girls made Han Hai have a headache. He thought things were not complicated, but with the identity of the "seven fairies" uncovered one by one, Hanhai found himself in trouble with three powerful families (Gu, A Lang and Bocquery) in an attempt to seize the wealth of the world and establish an absolutely autocratic financial empire. They secretly implemented the "Tri-color Plan", hoping to divide the world into three parts and point the finger at the family behind the women around Han Hai. Han Hai was inevitable and finally had to step forward.
(1) What courses do you major in broadcasting and hosting?
Students in this major mainly study the basic theories and knowledge of China language and lite