"Rose Girl" (Japanese: ローゼンメィデン), formerly known as Luo Zhen Girl, is a cartoon of Japanese cartoonist group Taohe, which mainly narrates the series that the protagonist Haruki Sakurada accidentally gets the mysterious fifth doll Zhen Hong of Rose Girl. The cartoon Birz in Fantasy Winter House stopped serializing from 2002 to 2007, and then continued serializing in YOUNG JUMP of Ying Ji Society in 2008. From 2004 to 20 13, it was animated three times.
The old serial story Haruki Sakura is a middle school student who doesn't want to go to school and looks forward to staying at home for a long time. She is keen on online shopping and likes to return goods within the return period after purchase. One day, I received a letter from Horiye, who claimed to be an artificial elf, and only wrote the option of "bypassing" on it. Driven by curiosity, I chose "Winding", and then an unsigned mysterious suitcase appeared in the room, which contained a beautiful and realistic doll girl (namely Zhen Hong, the fifth doll of Rose Girl). When the clockwork in the wooden box was used to turn the switch on the back, the doll moved like life and said to Chun, "I am Zhen Hong, the fifth doll of Rose Girl." At this moment, a clown puppet manipulated by a mysterious man suddenly appeared. In an emergency where his life is threatened, although he is completely helpless, he still doesn't know what happened, but he can only become the media in Zhen Hong inexplicably, forming a master-servant relationship. Later, humans and dolls with similar contracts appeared in front of Chun He, and a doll war called (Rose Girl) began. ...
In the face of the letter from the artificial elf Horino, Haruki Sakurada in the parallel world chose not to wind up. Haruki Sakura, who didn't wind up, took part in the college entrance examination, went to college and took a part-time job, but still lived a humble life at home. One day, a mysterious magazine teaching dolls was returned to the shop where I worked. It was a pure shock.
When I got home, I found that the second issue of magazines and the attached doll parts had been sent. I learned that as long as the parts brought by these magazines can be assembled, the fifth doll Zhen Hong can be assembled. Chun accepted the invitation to start assembling parts, but after several issues, he received a notice of suspension from Mystery Magazine, and learned that due to the interference of the seventh doll Kirakishou, the parts could not be delivered, and he needed to go to field N by himself. At the same time, I received an email from my past, claiming that Kirakishou is too powerful to match it and needs the pure strength of the future.
Judging from the contents of the mystery magazine, Zhen Hong has fallen into the trap of Kirakishou and needs to be reunited and entangled by the purity of the world. E-mail shows that only he and canary are fighting with No.7 doll in Sakurada Pure World, and the phrase "no time" means that the situation is very critical?
Zhen Hong (Zhen Hong) Resume: Sawashiro Miyuki/Yui Horie (early radio drama) Rose Girl's fifth doll. It is the first doll in the play, the artificial elf. Wearing Victorian clothes. Have a noble temperament like a queen. My hobbies are drinking black tea and reading books. I hate Laplace's magic, cats, darkness and mercury lamps (I love and hate mercury lamps). He is a big fan of the TV series Detective Kuku and a domestic idiot. Attack with a rose tail that can chase others. After experiencing the spirit of pure rebellion against fate, I suggested that Alice's game was not my father's real wish, and I was determined to change my fate by my own will.
Mercury lamp resume: Rie Tanaka/Noto Mamiko (early radio drama) Rose Girl's first doll. For some reason, she became sworn enemies with Zhen Hong, wearing a Gothic Lolita dress, and she wore a canary when she was young. The canary has its secrets, but the author didn't reveal them. ) The artificial elves are invisible, and the weapons are two pairs of black wings that can change freely behind their backs. The old animation can summon the mercury sword, and the medium is Ishizaki Kei. At first, I didn't believe in fetters, but I was obsessed with Alice's games. But in their contact with Xiaohui and Lapislazuli Stern, they gradually realized the existence of fetters and questioned the existence of Alice's game.
Canary (Golden Goose) Resume: Shimura Yumi Rose Girl's second doll. Artificial elves are plucked strings. It is immature to use mercury lamp. Nicknamed "Xiaojin", with a hair standing up on the top of her head, she is a natural and unrestrained mother. Mouth addiction is: "... really?" It seems a little hard to believe its strength from the outside, but in fact it is quite strong. Xiaomei is often asked by the media to change clothes, but I am used to it and have a good relationship with Xiaomei. Usually flying with her parasol, the parasol can also be turned into her weapon-violin. Rose girl is the one who uses artificial elves the most.
Jade Stern (Jade Stern) Resume: Rose Girl of the Third Doll of Natsuko Kuwatani/Mizuki Nana (Early Radio Drama). It is the second doll to officially sign a contract with Chun. The artificial elf is a dream of water, and Lapislazuli Stern is a Gemini doll, collectively referred to as a dream gardener. The dress is a Bavarian dress, and the weapon is like rain and dew. Have the ability to open the door of dreams. Mouth addiction is: "The saying ……" Different from other sisters, she is good at housekeeping, plays the role of a small animal, and is afraid of strangers. I like Xiao Chun, but every time I show it, I immediately use violence against Xiao Chun. In fact, I attach great importance to friendship and love Lapislazuli Stern very much. Zhen Hong thinks that she is gentle and troublesome, and she is the most natural doll among the sisters.
Lapislazuli Stern (Lapislazuli Stern) Resume: The fourth doll of Morinaga Rika Rose Girl, the artificial elf is Longbika, and the weapon is the gardener's scissors. Jade Stern, who is a twin, has the same ability and similar appearance, but his personality is completely different, and there is almost no significant expression change on his face, so he is silent. Almost foolish loyalty to the master. I'm not good at lying and I don't like lying. Although she has no special language addiction, she will use the first person as "servant". Housekeeping idiot. It is difficult for others to understand their psychological activities. Earlier, she lost in Alice's game (committed suicide to break the shackles of her master's mind). Rosa mystica was supposed to give it to Jade Stern, but it was taken away by the mercury lamp.
Sakura Nogawa/Tomoko Kaneda (Early Radio Drama) The Sixth Doll of Rose Girl. The artificial fairy of young berries is raspberry bell, and the clothes are Lolita fashion. Call yourself Sheena and talk like a child. Called "small berries" by Jade Stern. I like graffiti's favorite food and egg burger very much. Like Zhen Hong, he is also an avid library enthusiast. Artificial elves are not commonly used. At the beginning, the old serial story was defeated by Zhen Hong in Alice's game, and then gave up the contract with the media bus and lived with Zhen Hong. However, in the later period of the old series, Kirakishou appeared and was swallowed up, and Rosa mystica and the artificial elves voluntarily gave it to Zhen Hong.
Kirakishou (Kirakishou) Resume: The seventh doll of Qian Hui Rose Girl in Chiba is different from other Rose Girls. There are no entities and artificial elves. In fact, the right eye does not exist. Instead, a white rose sticks out from her eyes. She is called a white devil by Xiaohui, and she is very strong. There is no entity in the real world, and it can only appear in n fields. Later, in order to join the game, he took the bodies of raspberries, Lapislazuli Stern and Zhen Hong and used the media as a hotbed to cultivate himself. Later, he created another "father" himself-birds and the sea are people.
Haruki Sakurada (ジュンンン) Resume: The hero of Makita, Asami, was originally a media in Zhen Hong, and he and Herb were childhood friends. The second grade of junior high school. A genius with excellent academic performance was teased by his classmates because he loved sewing, and then he stopped going to school. When he received a letter from Holland saying that he couldn't wind it, he chose to wind it. Then he met Zhen Hong and his life changed.
"Don't Turn to the World" Sakurada Chun cv: When the protagonist in Ryota Ohsaka's parallel world received a letter that could not be wound, he chose not to wind it. Now I am a college student in a third-rate university, still working alone. I work in a bookstore called TAKIWA. When I came home, I received a short message from [Rotating World], which created a Zhen Hong in a parallel world, helped her return to the original world and recognized herself. Later, she also came to the entangled world through the doll "props" left at home.