A. nifedipine
B. verapamil
C. diltiazem
D. nimodipine
E.a plus b plus c
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
2. Which of the following drug combinations is ideal for treating angina pectoris?
A. naproxen and nifedipine
B. naproxen and verapamil
C. naproxen and diltiazem
D. Verapamil and diltiazem
E. None of the above groups is ideal.
Correct answer: a
Answer analysis:
3. The main mechanism of nitroglycerin against angina pectoris is
A. selectively dilate coronary artery to increase myocardial oxygen consumption.
B. Blocking β receptor and reducing myocardial oxygen consumption.
C. slow down the heart rate and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption.
D, dilate arteries and veins to reduce myocardial oxygen consumption; Dilating coronary artery and collateral vessels to improve ischemia.
E. inhibit myocardial contractility and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption.
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis:
4. Which of the following statements is false about calcium channel blockers?
A. Do not cause water and sodium retention.
B. it will cause reflex heart rate to increase.
C. reducing peripheral vascular resistance
D. it will cause peripheral edema.
E. Ventricular hypertrophy caused by hypertension is irreversible.
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis: Calcium channel blockers do not cause water and sodium retention, only nifedipine dihydropyridine drugs reduce peripheral resistance, activate baroreceptor-mediated sympathetic nerve excitation, and cause mild or moderate reflex heart rate increase, but verapamil does not. All calcium channel blockers are equally effective for mild and moderate hypertension, and their effects are equivalent to those of beta blockers and thiazide diuretics, so they are safe and effective antihypertensive drugs. Moreover, calcium channel blockers can also reverse left ventricular hypertrophy caused by hypertension, but the effect is not as good as ACE inhibitors.
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
5. The pharmacological basis of combined application of nitrates and beta blockers in the treatment of angina pectoris is as follows.
A. Different mechanisms of action lead to synergy
B. Eliminating reflex tachycardia
C. reduce the tension of ventricular wall muscles
D. shorten the injection time
E. All of the above
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
6, in order to overcome the tolerance of nitrate, measures can be taken include
A. Use the minimum dose
B. Supplementing drugs containing sulfhydryl groups
C. Increase the frequency of administration
D, intermittent administration method is adopted.
E. adding topril ointment
Correct answer: C.
Answer analysis:
7, the anti-angina mechanism of beta blockers does not include
A. reducing myocardial oxygen consumption
B. Enlarging ventricular volume
C. increase the blood supply of ischemic K.
D, prolonging coronary artery perfusion time.
E. slow down the heart rate and prolong the diastolic period.
Correct answer: b
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
8. The anti-angina mechanism of nitrate drugs does not include
A. dilate the whole body volume blood vessels
B. dilate the delivery vessels of the heart
C. redistribution of coronary blood flow
D. reducing myocardial oxygen consumption
E. promoting the separation of oxygen from hemoglobin.
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
9. Nifedipine is limited in the treatment of stable angina pectoris. as a result of
A. it can increase myocardial oxygen consumption.
B.this kind of patients have poor absorption of this drug.
C. It may lead to heart failure
D. can promote platelet aggregation
E. it can increase the number of attacks.
Correct answer: a
Answer analysis:
10, which of the following calcium antagonists has the best effect?
A. Stable angina pectoris
B. unstable angina pectoris
C. variant angina pectoris
D. Mixed angina pectoris
E. angina pectoris with heart failure
Correct answer: C.
Answer analysis:
1 1, angina pectoris after naproxen application, which of the following situations is expected to get the best curative effect?
A. the ventricular volume is obviously increased.
B. people with slow heart rate.
C. the ejection time is obviously prolonged.
D. People with significantly lower blood pressure
E. the heart rate slows down and the contractility is obviously weakened.
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
12, naphthalene is more suitable.
A. unstable angina pectoris with dyslipidemia
B. Patients with stable angina pectoris and hypertension
C. coronary spasm variant angina pectoris
D. Variant angina pectoris with dyslipidemia
E. Patients with stable angina pectoris and hyperlipidemia
Correct answer: b
Answer analysis:
13, which of the following may be related to the tolerance of continuous use of nitroglycerin?
A. self-induced liver drug enzyme activity
B. sulfhydryl groups in vascular smooth muscle are exhausted.
C. the reaction of guanylate cyclase to NO is weakened.
Compensatory acceleration of D.D.cGMP degradation
E. The reactivity of adenylate cyclase to NO increased.
Correct answer: b
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
14, the following introduction to isosorbide dinitrate is correct.
A. oral administration is ineffective and should be taken sublingually.
B. the effect is stronger than nitroglycerin
C. the individual difference in dose range is very small.
D. the duration of action is longer than nitroglycerin.
E. Less adverse reactions
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
15, which of the following is the main cause of the adverse reaction of nitroglycerin?
A. Decreased cardiac output
B. Digestive tract stimulation
C. Liver function damage
D. vasodilation
E. Hypokalemia
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
16, the description of the indications of nitrate drugs is correct.
A. it is mainly used for stable angina pectoris.
B. it is not suitable for variant angina pectoris
C. it is not suitable for unstable angina pectoris.
D. not suitable for acute myocardial infarction
E. it is effective for various types of angina pectoris.
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
17, the clinical application of nitrate drugs should be paid attention to.
A. Treatment of acute exacerbation with ultra-large dose
B. In order to prevent seizures, continuous skin administration can be adopted.
C in order to reduce adverse reactions, it should be avoided to use drugs containing sulfhydryl groups.
Dose should be limited to avoid excessive hypotension.
This product is forbidden for patients with heart failure because it will reduce cardiac output.
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis:
18. At present, it is believed that the anti-angina mechanism of nitroglycerin is
A. dilate the volume vessels, reduce the preload, obviously dilate the collateral vessels, and increase the blood supply in the epicardial area.
B, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, dilate heart resistance blood vessels, and increase blood supply in ischemic areas.
C reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, improve blood supply in ischemic area and increase endocardial blood supply.
Dilating coronary arteries to reduce coronary flow.
E promote the separation of oxygen and hemoglobin, and increase myocardial oxygen supply.
Correct answer: C.
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
19. The description of pharmacological action of nitroglycerin is correct.
A. Diastolic arterioles are smaller and veins are stronger.
B. it has obvious dilating effect on larger coronary arteries.
C. it has the function of prednisone relaxing the sphincter of capillary.
D. the therapeutic dose can significantly reduce diastolic blood pressure.
E therapeutic dose can reduce cardiac output without heart failure and slow down heart rate.
Correct answer: b
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
20, the basic pharmacological action of nitrate drugs is
A. reduce myocardial contractility
B. Shorten the injection time
C. increasing coronary artery flow
D. Relaxed smooth muscle
E. reducing myocardial oxygen consumption
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis:
This question is aimed at the knowledge point of "anti-angina drugs-unit test"
2 1, the drug that does not have the effect of dilating coronary artery is
A. nitroglycerin
B. nifedipine
C. verapamil
D. indomethacin
E. naproxen
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
22, the mechanism of action of nitrate drugs is
A. spontaneous release of N0 activates adenylate cyclase.
B, spontaneously releasing N0 to inhibit guanylate cyclase.
C. acting on the receptor, releasing NO and activating adenylate cyclase.
D. acting on the receptor, releasing NO and inhibiting phosphodiesterase.
E, reacting with sulfhydryl to generate NO, and activating ornithine cyclase.
Correct answer: e
Answer analysis:
23. Nitroglycerin will not dilate which of the following types of blood vessels?
A. arterioles
B. venules
C. coronary artery small resistance vessels
D. coronary collateral vessels
E. Delivery vessels of coronary artery
Correct answer: C.
Answer analysis:
24. Nitrates, beta blockers and calcium channel blockers can treat angina pectoris.
A. Slow down the heart rate
B. dilating coronary artery
C. reducing ventricular volume
D. reducing myocardial oxygen consumption
E. inhibiting myocardial contraction
Correct answer: D.
Answer analysis: This question examines the pharmacological effects of anti-angina drugs.
Nitrate can reduce myocardial oxygen consumption by relaxing vascular smooth muscle; Calcium channel blockers block the influx of calcium ions and inhibit myocardial contractility, thus reducing myocardial oxygen consumption; Beta blockers can slow down heart rate, weaken myocardial contractility and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption.