Therefore, the exam week is coming, and the busiest thing is the copy shop. Students who have not reviewed or have not reviewed well will prepare a "reduced printed material". Where do these materials come from? Top student's notes or the exam materials provided by the last senior, because the focus of the exam will not change much every year, it should change accordingly. Of course, since you are going to cheat, your mobile phone must not leave you, you know. Although the teacher always asks the mobile phone to be turned off, he threatens the students that if the mobile phone is not turned off, the consequences will be very serious. But during the exam, basically no one will take care of it, although there are occasional exceptions. But in order to pass the exam, I didn't study, so I had to take risks. No one would have thought that I would be so unlucky.
Secondly, we should go to the classroom early to occupy the position. You will find that the faces you can't see at ordinary times are the earliest, and the most hidden positions are basically occupied. So what is the best location? The blind spots of the invigilator, such as the first and second rows, the window position, the middle position of the middle row, and the most important thing is the hidden place near top student. Then students will copy some knowledge points or formulas on the desk with pencils, just in case. Of course, if you meet a strict teacher before the exam, you must do well in the position he requires, then the last one and this one are basically blind. At this time, it is necessary to rely on the shorthand and the help of top student. Of course, some people will say that in writing, believe me, your sweat has burned your writing. Because most people will be nervous when they cheat, and their palms will sweat when they are nervous.
The most important thing is that the derailed face does not change color and the heart does not jump. The worst cheating I have ever seen is that the teacher is sitting next to you and the students copy the answers without changing their faces. If you don't have such psychological quality and the right place at the right time, I suggest you review it well. After all, the exam in college won't be too difficult. As long as you review carefully, passing the exam is basically no problem. So why is cheating so rampant in universities? The main reason is that university teachers are lax in invigilation and basically turn a blind eye. In addition, the teacher can't remember the face of the class. Because in college, unlike junior high school and senior high school, teachers only teach so many students and meet them every day.