Although you think you have no money in college, even the simplest living expenses depend on your parents, I want to tell you that you are making money for the future, but if you don't study hard and arm yourself now, you may not find your own value, but if you are trying to arm your mind and actively participate in various activities now, you are creating value for your future. Just like buying insurance, you are creating wealth for yourself. You can't lose your value, but be happy for yourself, because you are valuable.
Evaluating a person's value is not just about looking at the immediate value. But to take a long-term view. It's not something of value. For example, we took part in many activities in college. Taking part in such activities is just like taking part in a job, but it can't be said that you are worthless without making money. Because we have increased our ability through exercise now, and our ability is priceless, so as long as we study by ourselves, our value is a lot.
I didn't lose value in college. We just need to calm down and think carefully about what we have learned and exercise our abilities. These are the values that we created in college.