1, Humboldt University of Berlin, Hublin
2. Bonn University
3. University of Constance
4. Mannheim University
5. University of Munich
6. University of Augsburg
Bamberg University Expansion Project 7
8. Bye reuter University
9. Free University of Berlin
10, Technical University of Berlin
Overall evaluation of students
1, erfurt University
2. University of Hamburg
3. University of Karlsruhe
4. University of Constance
5. magdeburg University
6. Mannheim University
7. Saint Gallon (CH)
8. University of Tü bingen
9. university of ulm, university of ulm
10, Uniwitten-Herdeke Witten private comprehensive university
In 2006, the car ranked Informatik (computer major) in the university.
1, RWTH Aachen Aachen University of Technology
2. University of Karlsruhe
3. Tumuqin Technical University in Munich
4. University of Saarbrü cken
5. Humboldt University of Berlin in Hublin
6. TU Berlin, Technical University of Berlin
7. Bielefeld University
8. University of Bonn
9. Brunswick University of Technology
10, University of Bremen
Overall evaluation of students
1, TU Kaiserslautern, Lautem University of Technology, Kaysers
2. University of Karlsruhe
3. University of Lubeck
4. magdeburg University
5. Mannheim University
6. Paderborn University
7. Paso University
8. University of Saarbrü cken
9. University of Siegen
Trier University 10
In 2006, Che ranked Maschinenbau (mechanical major) in the university.
1, RWTH Aachen Aachen University of Technology
2. Dart University, darmstadt
3. Dresden University
4,Uni Erl。 -Nurbu. /Herun root
5. University of Karlsruhe
6. Tumchin Technical University, Munich
7. University of Stuttgart
8. Bye reuter University
9. Technical University of Berlin, Berlin Branch
China University of Chemical Technology Car Ranking in 2006
1, University of G? ttingen
2. Marburg University
3.LMU Munich University
4. technical university of munich
5. University of Mü nster
6. Aachen University of Technology
7. Bye reuter University
8. Free University of Berlin
9. Technical University of Berlin, Berlin Branch
University of Bonn 10
Taking the study period of mechanical major in German universities as an example, the top ten are:
1, chemnitz University of Technology
2. Dresden University
3. TU Bergakademie Freiberg Frejborg University of Technology
4. Menau University of Technology, Tooill
5. University of Karlsruhe
6. magdeburg University
7. Tumuqin Technical University, Munich
8. University of Stuttgart
9. Aachen University of Technology
10, Technical University of Berlin