Candidates enter at 8:40. Test materials will be distributed at 9:00, and no questions will be answered during this period. The exam officially begins at 9: 0010, and the writing time is fixed at 30 minutes, during which no other questions can be answered. When you finish writing at 9:35, you will be prompted to start the listening test in 5 minutes. The listening test starts at 9:40, and lasts for 25 minutes.
Reading comprehension begins at 10:05, because it is difficult to fill in the blanks with words, so it is suggested to do reading comprehension first and then fill in the blanks with words, and leave 5~ 10 at the end of simple multiple-choice questions. It is recommended to read and understand for 20 ~ 25 minutes, fill in the blanks with words for 5 ~ 10 minutes, and choose single items for 5 ~ 10 minutes. 10:45 Start writing translation. Complete the translation within 30 minutes. 1 1: 15. You can also add these five minutes to the previous weak link.