Student id card purchase rules
The student ID card must be accompanied by a discount card stamped with the official seal of the unit. A student ID card without discount cannot be used to purchase student tickets. Half-price tickets are only hard seat tickets, urgent tickets and air-conditioned tickets. You have to pay the full price to buy a sleeper.
If you buy a train ticket with a student ID card, you can only enjoy half-price tickets for your family and university four times a year. The time is around the winter and summer vacations, from March 12 to March 1 and from June1to September 30 every year. Days, unused time cannot be carried forward to the next year.
The student ticket must be consistent with the travel part on the student ID card. Beyond the scope of the coupon, it will be treated as an ordinary passenger beyond the scope, and the full fee will be charged. When you take a bus, you need to register and stamp on the ticket and register the number of rides.