As we all know, the driving test is divided into four subjects, and the time span of the whole process is still very long. Even if you can make an appointment for the exam every time, you can pass all the subjects at once, and it will take at least one month to get your driver's license. During this month, you have to take time to prepare for the exam almost every day, and you have to go back and forth to driving school when preparing for the second and third subjects. Moreover, the difficulty of the exam is not low, and many people have to learn some subjects.
There is still a lot of time in college, besides the usual spare time, there are weekends and winter and summer vacations, so students who want to take a driver's license can make good use of this time. If you plan to buy a car or need a car in the future, you can use this time at school to solve the driver's license problem, and you don't have to take time to learn to drive after graduation.
Some people don't take a driver's license in college, but it is difficult to concentrate some time on preparing for the exam after work. Especially for some people who often work overtime, it is difficult to take a normal vacation on weekends. Besides, they are very tired at work. They just want to have a good rest on holiday, and they don't have much energy to pay attention to other things at all. Even if we take scattered time to prepare for the exam after work, it is easy to forget some knowledge points or operating points after a long interval, which is not conducive to our exams.
Nowadays, driving has gradually become a basic skill for adults. Even if you have no plans to buy a car in the future, people who can drive can choose to rent a car to enjoy it. Life will be much more convenient if you can drive by yourself.
In addition, in fact, the cost of driving test is not cheap, but many driving schools have special preferential policies for college students, which will be more cost-effective. So generally speaking, it is necessary to take a driver's license during college.