Influenced by the family environment, Weber's younger brother alfred weber later became a sociologist and economist. 1876 Christmas, Max Weber, who was only thirteen years old, wrote two historical papers for his parents, entitled "On the Development of German History and the Role of the Emperor and the Pope" and "On the History of the Roman Empire from Constantine to the National Migration Movement". At the age of fourteen, Weber began to quote the works of Homer, Cicero, Virgil and Levi in his letters. Before he entered university, he had read the theories of Goethe, Spinoza, Kant and Schopenhauer. Young Weber showed great interest in studying social sciences.
1882, Weber entered the law department of Heidelberg University. Like his father, Weber chose law as his main research field and joined the same club as his father in college. In addition to studying law, young Weber also studied economics, medieval history and theology. He also briefly joined the German wehrmacht in Strasbourg.
1In the autumn of 884, Weber returned to his hometown and studied at the University of Berlin. In the next eight years, except for a semester at the University of G? ttingen and short-term military service, Weber stayed in Berlin for further study. Weber lives with his parents. In addition to continuing his studies, Weber worked as an intern lawyer and finally as a lecturer at the University of Berlin. 1886, Weber passed the lawyer's "Referendar" exam and became a trainee judge. 1In the late 1980s, Weber continued his research on history. 1889 completed the doctoral thesis entitled "History of Commercial Organizations in the Middle Ages" and obtained the doctorate in law. Two years later, Weber wrote a book entitled "Roman agricultural history and its importance to public law and private law" and completed his Habilitation examination, so Weber became a formal university professor.
In the year when Weber was about to finish his doctoral thesis, he became interested in social policies at that time. 1888, he joined an organization called Verein für Socialpolitik. Most of the members of this professional group were German economists who belonged to the school of economic history at that time. They took economy as the main method to solve a wide range of social problems at that time, and made a large-scale statistical study of the German economy at that time. 1890, the trade union set up a special research project to test the increasingly serious problem of eastern migration (Ostflucht): at that time, due to the gradual migration of German workers to rapidly industrialized German cities, a large number of foreign workers migrated to rural areas in eastern Germany. Weber is in charge of this research and has written many research results. The final report was well evaluated and widely regarded as an outstanding observational study, which consolidated Weber's reputation as an agricultural economic expert.
1893, Weber married a distant cousin, Marianne Schnitger, who later became a feminist and writer. The newlyweds moved to Frejborg on 1894, where Weber was hired as an economics professor at the University of Freiburg. 1896 Weber was also hired as a professor by his alma mater, Heidelberg University. A year later, Weber's father died. Two months before his death, there happened to be a fierce quarrel between father and son, which became Weber's lifelong regret. After that, Weber lost sleep, became more and more neurotic and became more and more difficult to be a professor. His mental state forced him to reduce the amount of teaching, and he left during the semester of 1899. Weber stayed in a mental nursing home for several months in the summer and autumn of 1900, then traveled to Italy with his wife at the end of the year, and did not return to Heidelberg until April of 1902.
After several years of frequent writing in 1968+0890, Weber did not publish any more works from 1898 to the end of 1902, and finally resigned as a professor in the autumn of 1903. After getting rid of the shackles of the school, Weber and his colleague Werner Sombart founded a sociological magazine called Archives of Sociology and Social Welfare in that year, with Weber as the deputy editor. 1904, Weber began to publish some of his most important articles in this magazine, especially a series of papers entitled Protestantism Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism, which later became the most famous works in his life and laid the foundation for his later study on the influence of culture and religion on the economic system. This paper was the only one published as a book when he was alive. Also in that year, Weber went to the United States and attended the social and scientific conference held in St. Louis at that time-one of the conferences related to the World Expo. Although Weber's performance became more and more successful, he still felt that he was no longer qualified for the fixed teaching work, so he continued to maintain his identity as a private scholar. 1907 Weber got a considerable legacy, which enabled him to continue to concentrate on his research without worrying about economic problems. 19 12 years, Weber tried to organize a left-wing political party to combine social Democrats and liberals, but ultimately failed, mainly because liberals were still worried about the revolutionary ideas of social democracy at that time.
Weber is the founder of modern sociology, and his views on administrative organization in organizational management have had a far-reaching impact on sociologists and political scientists. He not only inspected the administrative management of the organization, but also extensively analyzed the social, economic and political structure, and deeply studied the influence of industrialization on the organizational structure. He put forward the so-called ideal theory of administrative organization system, the core of which is that organizational activities should be managed by posts or positions rather than individuals or hereditary identities. His theory is a supplement to Taylor's and Fa Yueer's theory, and has a great influence on later management scientists, especially organization theorists, so it is called "the father of organization theory" in the history of management thought development.