Pornography is the biggest source of instant satisfaction in the world. Unlike physical objects and drugs, it doesn't need to limit how much you can use or watch in a day. At present, under the combination of various extreme genres and innovative plots, pornography has attracted most people to watch on the Internet. These extreme forms of pornography can stimulate a higher dopamine response. Many people often watch porn just to try to feel as satisfied as they did for the first time, which may lead to erectile dysfunction in boys.
2. Rely on social media
Social media is the most important factor that causes our distraction, which I also mentioned many times in yesterday's sharing.
On average, we spend three hours on social media every day. Imagine that there are 24 hours a day, 7 hours of sleep, 2 hours of breakfast, lunch and dinner, commuting 1 hour, going to the toilet and urinating 1 hour, and working for 9 hours, excluding watching movies and entertainment. You spend the remaining three hours on social media and Weibo. We are all trained to have an indirect demand for dopamine, constantly checking our mobile phones, waiting for others to praise us in Weibo and our circle of friends, or expecting news from others, so as to get a little satisfaction inspired by dopamine.
3. Chasing dramas and video games
This combination is a very effective way to waste time, which makes it difficult for us to stop after we start. Like power games, the walking dead, the vampire diaries and Obahan dramas, these bloody dramas have a way of keeping your ass stuck in your seat for hours. Of course, it's okay to have fun once in a while, but do you really need so much entertainment?