First of all, this is a high school biology topic. The traits of automobile cloned cattle are almost the same as those of cattle B, indicating that the traits of cloned cattle are determined by the nucleus. Because the nucleus is the main place for the storage, replication and transcription of genetic information in cells.
The nucleus is the largest and most important cell structure in eukaryotic cells, the regulatory center of cell inheritance and metabolism, and one of the most remarkable signs that eukaryotic cells are different from prokaryotic cells (a few eukaryotic cells have no nucleus, such as mature red blood cells of mammals and mature sieve cells of higher plants).
(The old junior high school textbooks, senior high school textbooks or some foreign textbooks think that the nucleus is not an organelle, while university cell biology thinks that it is an organelle, and the university textbook shall prevail here). It is mainly composed of nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleoli and nuclear matrix.