If you compare Cai Zhong with Shangcai, they are almost the same, mainly depending on where you want to develop. If you like Beijing, you will choose wealth; If you like wealth, you will choose wealth.
Cai Zhong is mainly for civil servants such as state-owned enterprises, state-owned banks and the Ministry of Finance. The salary may not seem very high, but the treatment is very good: housing, insurance, solving the Beijing hukou problem and so on. These are invisible incomes. You have to use money to buy housing, insurance and Beijing hukou, which add up to an astronomical figure, millions!
Shangcai is more open. After all, in an international city like Shanghai, most of them have joined the Big Four accounting firms and foreign companies, and there are also many stock exchanges and state-owned and foreign-funded banks, and their wages are higher than those of Cai Zhong (foreign companies generally have higher wages than state-owned enterprises, but without those invisible incomes, your income is basically only wages).
Both schools are good, come on!
In addition, according to the ranking of employability of colleges and universities in 2009 by Max 2 1 1, Cai Zhong and Shangcai tied for sixth place, which is quite good. In front of them are super schools like Tsinghua, Peking University and Shanghai Jiaotong University!