GRE, full name of GraduateRecordExamination, Chinese name is American Graduate Entrance Examination, which is applicable to all majors except law and business, and sponsored by educational testing service (ETS).
GRE is an examination result required by all kinds of graduate schools in universities all over the world (except management schools and law schools), and it is also the most important criterion for professors to award scholarships to applicants.
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Requirements for GRE scores of graduate students in American universities:
Take engineering as an example here. To apply for the top 30 universities in the United States, you basically need to get 65,438+0,300 points in the GRE exam, which is 320 points today. This is a relatively safe score. Of course, it is not excluded that those who have strong scientific research ability, good internship and good background in other fields can get 1200 or even lower.
If you want to apply to the top 50 schools in the United States, you have to get about 1 200 points in engineering or 1 250 points, which means more than 3 10 points. The liberal arts also require higher scores, and you may have to take a test of 1300 or so. So how do local schools view the applicant's GRE?
Melinda Maxwell, director of graduate enrollment at the University of North Georgia, said that graduates applying for universities should strive to get math and oral scores ranging from 365,438+00 to 365,438+05.
AndrewSelepak, director of the social media graduate program at the University of Florida, said that GRE scores that only qualify for graduate programs may not make students competitors in other disciplines.
MichelleVakman, director of graduate admissions at new york Institute of Technology, said that her admissions office will check the GRE percentile to measure whether an applicant is suitable for admission. She said: "A score of more than 50% is a good starting point, whether it is the whole or the most relevant part of the learning process that students seek."