It is this theory that leads the inheritors of tamana culture to be called primitive Saharans, and tamana people seem to belong to an ancient alliance called Maya.
Members of Maa or Fish Federation include Magayan, Egyptian, Elam, Mandin, Asian-African and Dravidian. Maa's names are either their ancestors Noah, Atrahasis, etc. , or the gods worshipped by these ancient navigators.
In memory of this great ancestor, the descendants of Tamana people used the word horse to mean "great or noble".
For example, the word "great" is MAGA-S.
Ding Man magazine.
And the dravidians
Tamana people also claim to be descendants of the great Ma 'a, the founder of Fish Federation.
For example, Mandin or Mandikan call themselves Mande (Mande's children).
Sumerians call themselves magal Li (outstanding children).
On the other hand, magyars calls himself Muhri or magal.
Sculpture of Mandin, a minority family in West Africa.
Dr Vamos Thoth barto's research shows that tamana people have their own characters, which is proved by the similarity of pottery characters found in ancient samples of Africa and Eurasia.
In addition, they also have outstanding knowledge of navigation technology and navigation astronomy.
These primitive Saharans prayed to Kaka's "ancient souls/gods": Madzar Gan, Mandy Gankani, Dehrawi Dean Kahn and Toth. After years of research, they found a missing link in ancient history, that is, many global place names point to the same origin of the world.
Although many scholars will immediately object to this statement without examining the evidence, the research results of Tos, if viewed with an open mind, including the hundreds of place names he discovered, show the connection between African, Eurasian and American place names, which is worth studying by other scholars. This is a key factor. Vamos Toth's research found the regularity of prefix or suffix placename elements.
This method is not new.
1924, Allen Marvell also used this word in his book The Main Elements of the Use of English Place Names.
Toponymic data collected by Todd praised N.
La Hoff's work, he put forward a factual proposition about the origin of Dravidian language and the western origin of pre-Indo-European culture in Europe and Asia.
It is significant to find the element -ari in many place names, because ari is consistent with the Dravidian suffix ur of "city, village or town".
In Sumerian Ur/Ulu, it has a similar meaning.
This is equivalent to the term "furu" or clan property in Ding Man.
This praised Raffali's discovery that ar was widely used. Toth gave many names of tamana with horse elements in hydrological names from Europe to India.
This is consistent with the word "area" or "surface" and corresponds to the words "earth", "soil" and "land" in Dravidian. Another common place name element recognized by Toth is ka and ki.
The ka element seems to represent a residential area.
For example, in Dravidian, ka stands for defense, in Ding Man, ka is a location suffix connected with a place name, and in Swahili, ka stands for "residence".
In Sumerian, -ki is the position determined by the past position, behind the place name and country.
The last place name element of tamana included in Thoth is: Gu, Nu, Bum and Buna.
These terms come from the study of tamana culture and language, and are used to refer to families or residences.
For example, bo or bu elements often appear in house terms.
For example, Canada Gibb is a house and Timmambo is a house.
NU element can find N+ vowels in many languages, such as Dravidian nakar is "house" and Mandino is "family or clan residence".
The Dravidian term MAL, or Mara, is a cognate word for geographical names of the East, Europe, India and Mexico.
In Dravidian, Malay refers to mountains, mountains or large and rough rocks.
In Mazar language, mal of aic group of Ural Altar means "heap, heap, heap, mountain".
Indus valley civilization (2600- 1900 BC) is located in Pakistan and India, and is usually considered as a Dravidian.
Pashupati seal in indus valley civilization.
(Public domain), Dravidian, Mandi and Ural Altai can explain the place names "Sha" and "Kara".
Kara is the most interesting word.
This name is very popular, especially in the interior of Asia.
This term refers to a town located by a river, stream or lake.
This shows that Kara is a symbol of water and is supported by Manding and Dravidian people.
In Dravidian, car means unity and shelter, while Carl means the saltiest or saltiest.
In Mandingkara, it means "gathering, dirty".
This shows that the place name of Kara is used to name the town, because it not only means a place (shelter), but also means that the water there will be salty or dirty.
In Dravidian, Carly means river.
The word Kara is usually associated with dirt or black. For example, Kara in Turkey is black, Madzar-Korom is soot and dirty, and Currim in Korean is soot.
Sandy land, this place name seems to refer to dry uncultivated land near rivers in high altitude areas of the earth.
Sand may be related to Mandingside's "Rain (Mountain) formed by uncultivated land in this area".
This explanation is based on the interpretation of Lisa and nde.
In Mandinsa, it means snakes, rain, the sky area where rain forms and the uncultivated land near water.
It is worth noting that Madzar's-Sa, -csa means "pond, dirty lake", because the top of the mountain is usually covered with (rain) clouds, which means that when people living in the valley move their homes to the mountains near the river, they will call these places Sa -nde "land in the sky near water"
The fact that supports this view is that in Chinese, mountain means "mountain range" and mountain means "hilly area", which fully conforms to our interpretation of the word Sande.
In Chinese, business and sand are the same, because business means business.
The word "mountain" in Longwanqun National Forest Park, huinan county City, Jilin Province, China, means "inclination of mountain" in Mazha language.
(cc BY-SA 3.
0), another place name in tamana is Asa.
The word Asa has something to do with water.
In many ancient languages, ba and A were used to represent water.
Many Mandi and Dravidian words are composed of the initial letter s(c). In ancient times, today they are composed of the initials t-.
In Dravidian, Madzar and Ding Man ta- stands for place.
In Mandiantha, it was used to indicate residence in ancient times.
So Asa can be interpreted as "a place with water or a place with water".
Adding -s after a- in the word assa is only a verbal termination.
Therefore, if Shaasa is close to a body of water, it can be interpreted as "a mountain near water" or "there is a lot of water in this place". Another place name in tamana is Assaker.
The word Assaker means "salt water in this place" or "there is a lot of salt water in this place". The evidence is obvious. Many place names in Eurasia, Africa and America are based on the languages spoken in tamana, including Sumerian, Mazar, Mandikan and Dravidian.
The geographical names discovered by Dr. Vamos Toth also highlighted the widespread distribution of tamana people in ancient times and the origin of a large number of nostalgic words, which linked the widely distributed languages in Africa, Eurasia and America.
Dr Vamos Toth's research has witnessed the high-level cosmic culture of his inheritor of tamana culture.
Dr Vamos passed away in Seattle, Washington, USA on March 1 2006. Above: The flood subsided (public domain). Authors: Dr. Clyde Winters, educator, anthropologist and linguist.
He teaches pedagogy and linguistics at San Xavier University in Chicago.
Dr winters is the author of many articles on anthropology, archaeology and linguistics.
His article was published in a magazine. Read Mor.