You have to pass at least CET-4 before you can take the exam. If you can pass CET-6, you should have no problem taking the exam.
At first, I may not be familiar with BEC problems, so I can buy real problem sets. People's Posts and Telecommunications and Classic Edition are both acceptable. The content of New Horizon English Course (English textbook for higher vocational colleges) is only level 3. Look at this, at most, pass level 4.
Two months ago, I practiced reading and listening. At first contact, speed and accuracy are not necessarily needed. First, be familiar with the questions and find the feeling.
In the third month, I began to feel the process of the exam, and I found time to read and write. I must finish reading in 1 hour, otherwise the exam will be very troublesome, and I have to keep listening (personally, the most difficult thing for BEC is listening) to ensure the correct rate. Keep practicing for a month, and you won't panic in the exam.
In addition:
1. Words can always be memorized. When you do the problem, you will find many words you know, but they have different meanings. Remember these words emphatically.
You don't have to start writing early. Personally, I think it is ok to start one month before the exam. The most important thing is to remember the format clearly. When writing sentences, you should feel like a business letter, and don't be naive. So the back template is very useful.
3. Do you have a speaking partner? Be sure to look for it, and you will regret it if you look outside the examination room temporarily. Practice for at least a month and try to practice every day. It's not long, but an hour or so is enough. The most important thing is to have tacit understanding. The teacher depends on the cooperation of two people. If two people can't communicate well, it's no use talking alone.
4. There is no need to do more questions, how real the time is, and the problem lies in essence rather than generality.