How to write training education in the registration form of training and inspection of activists joining the Party?
1) was recognized as the main performance of activists at that time. When an applicant is identified as an activist by the Party branch committee, the party branch organizing committee member or party branch secretary should summarize its main advantages and disadvantages according to the performance of the activists at that time. (2) Opinions on Training Activists. Trainers, party groups and party branches fill in the conclusions of the investigation of activists in the past six months. The inspection opinions of cultivating people should be as objective and accurate as possible and filled in realistically. (3) the situation of receiving training and absorbing participation in inner-party activities. The party branch should record the relevant situation of party organizations training educational activists item by item. (4) Opinions on development goals and training. The party branch records the reasons why activists are qualified to be identified as development targets after discussion by the party group and the party branch, and the opinions determined by the investigation, as well as the pre-party training and training assessment of the development targets by the party Committee.