Generally speaking, school education includes primary education, secondary education and higher education. In the field of moral education, school education and family education have their own advantages. When these two advantages are organically combined, the overall synergy of school moral education and family moral education can be enhanced. This is one of the meanings of integration and interaction.
In addition, from the current situation of family education in China, due to special historical reasons, it has narrowed family education, weakened or even lost the function of family moral education, which requires schools to radiate their own advantages into the category of family education and make up for the lack caused by history together with parents, which also reflects the importance and necessity of school education.
Reflections on school education: I hope the school will carry out more family-based parent-child activities, increase mutual understanding and make common progress. If possible, the parents' meeting will be held in the evening or on the rest day.
School education only spends half of its time learning scientific and cultural knowledge. The other half time should be used to cultivate students' practical ability, to cultivate students' ability to solve practical problems and to cultivate students' ability to apply what they have learned in practice.