Source: The Analects of Confucius' learning and articles in the early autumn.
Confucius said, "Disciple, if you enter, you will be filial; if you leave, you will be sincere; if you believe, you will believe; if you love others all the time, you will be kind. I have spare capacity to study literature. "
Filial piety is love, and so is loving and loving your brother. Because of love, we will maintain it, because of love, we will respect it, because of love, we will obey it. This kind of Tao is called "filial piety" at home and "filial piety" in society.
Obviously, in our present society, love has been replaced by competition and hostility, so there is no respect, no obedience, no inner tenderness and no forgiveness, so our nature is distorted. There are many social diseases now. Food is a problem, but the mind is a bigger problem.
So Confucius put forward the practice of "filial piety". Filial piety is based on a kind of love, when this kind of love is revealed, the heart is naturally broad; When the heart is wide, the immunity is naturally improved and naturally smooth. There are too many benefits in this. It should be noted that "subtle principles are often hidden in popular philosophy of life."
Extended data:
Filial piety is mentioned in the second chapter of this paper, and it is mentioned again in this chapter. Confucius asked his disciples to devote themselves to filial piety, faith, love for the masses, kindness, and cultivate good moral concepts and behaviors. If they still have leisure time and spare capacity, they will use it to study ancient books and increase their cultural knowledge.
This shows that Confucius' education is centered on moral education, focusing on cultivating students' moral cultivation, and the study of book knowledge is second.
In fact, any class in history, whether it is the slave owner class, the landlord class or the bourgeoisie, education serves its politics, paying special attention to students' moral conduct and political performance, and putting "morality" before "knowledge", which is the need of the class. They just want to train all kinds of talents to meet the requirements of their own class.
Baidu encyclopedia-Analects of Confucius, learning and writing