ANFAWFOWS: Now let's let our online sponsors say something.
AOTS suddenly
Go to ASAFP as soon as possible
The sooner the better.
ATST at the same time
AWGTHTGTTA, do we have to go through it again
AYSOS, are you stupid or something?
Character integrated circuit
IDGAF, I won't give A F***
IDGI, I don't understand
IDK, I don't know
IDKY, I don't know you.
IDST, I didn't say that
IDTS: I don't think so.
IFAB: I found a loophole.
IFU screwed up.
IGGP, I have to pee
IIIO Intel is inside, idiot is outside.
If it's different, I'll go crazy
IIRC, if I remember correctly.
If it were me.
ILICISCOMK I laughed, cried and vomited/spilled coffee/crumbs/coke.
On my keyboard
ILY, I love you.
In my humble opinion
In my humble opinion
In my opinion
This is not my problem.
INPO ranks in no particular order.
Oh, I have to go.
In other words, low
IRL in real life
That's what I said
ITM in money
IYKWIM, if you know what I mean.
IYSS, if you say so.
Just checking.
Just kidding!
I just want to know
JAFO is just another damn bystander.
KFY kisses you
Kiss remains simple and stupid.
keep in touch
KMA, kiss my ass
KWIM knows what I mean.
KYPO, put on your pants.
After L8R
LD long distance
LDTTWA, let's do time warping again.
LLTA, lots and lots of thunderous applause.
LMAO laughs me to death.
LMK let me know
Laugh out loud-or-a lot of luck (or love)
LTIC laughed till I cried.
LTNS, long time no see.
LYL loves you.
LYLAS loves you like a sister.
MHOTY, I salute you.
Market maker
MorF, a man or a woman?
MOTD today information
MOTSS members of the same sex
May the force be with you.
More details of MWBRL will be announced later.
My son mind your own business.
Keyboard nude nursing
NAZ name, address and postal code (also referred to as Nasdaq)
NBD is no big deal.
NBIF has no factual basis.
The NFI has no damn idea.
NFW has no fucking way
Neverk is naked in front of the computer.
it doesn't matter
NMP is not my problem.
NOYB is none of your business.
NP is fine
NQOCD is not in our class, dear.
NRG energy company
NRN doesn't need to answer.
New york finger health
On an unrelated topic
by the way
Oh, I see.
OMDB, unless I die
Oh, my god.
OMIK opens his mouth and inserts the keyboard.
ONNA: Oh, no, not again.
OOC does not match the character.
OOTB is unexpected-or rather, unexpected.
Don't digress from the subject
On the other hand, Otto
OWTTE or words to that effect.
OZ stands for "Australia"
There is a problem between the chair and the keyboard.
The pimp peed in my pants.
Pita nuisance
Forgive me for interrupting.
Po, fuck off.
Viewpoint angle
RBTL read between the lines.
RL real life
RLF's friends in real life
RMLB read my lips, baby.
RMMM read my email!
Register a nurse now!
ROTFL laughed and rolled on the ground.
ROTFLMAO laughed his head off.
ROTM was right.
RSN will arrive soon.
RTFM, read the damn manual.
RTK return keyboard
RTM reading manual
Are you?
Sorry, SBTA, it's getting slow again.
What happened?
SITD is still in the dark.
Chaos is normal, everything is messed up.
have bad luck
Is soggy straight or gay?
SSDD is different on the same day.
STFU, shut the fuck up.
STM spanks monkeys
STYS will talk to you soon.
SUYF, shut up, you fool
Scientific wild ass guess
SWAK sent (or sealed) with a kiss.
How do you think?
TAH went hiking.
There is no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU really screwed up.
TDTM swore at me.
TEOTWAWKI is the end of the world as we know it.
Thank you for doing nothing.
THX or Texas or thank you
TIA thanks in advance.
Teal thinks I'm in love.
Say half-jokingly
TLA three-letter abbreviation
TLGO: There are so many examples.
believe/ trust me
TMI has too much information.
TMTOWTDI: There is more than one way to do it.
The power of TPTB
TSR is completely stuck in RAM.
TTFN will go first for the time being.
TTT: This is the ticket to the top.
Talk to you later
TWHAB: It doesn't hurt at all.
Thank you, Ty
TYVM, thank you very much
UnPC is not politically correct
You are too smart for me.
VFM is worth the money.
Shake the wild donkey and guess
Wei is such an idiot.
welcome back
Who cares about WCA anyway
WDYS, what did you say?
WDYT, what do you think?
We don't care
WEG grinned wickedly.
The evil smile of the working group
WGAFF gave a flying F***
What does WIIFM do for me?
A master of witty language in training
What the fuck is this?
Smart old guy
WRT about
What the hell? What the hell?
WTG, good job!
Where there is no sunshine.
WYP, what's your problem?
WYRN, what's your real name?
WYS, whatever you say
WYT, whatever you think,
Ah, ah, ah, another ah (like a yo-yo)
YAFIYGI, you asked for it, and you got it.
YDKM, you don't know me.
You must be joking.
YMMV Your mileage may vary.
YNK, you never know
YOYO, you're on your own
You're right.
YSYD: Yes, of course you do.
YTTT, are you telling the truth?
YYSSW: Yes, yes, of course, of course, anyway.
Common abbreviations
in fact
Any day now
As far as I'm concerned
As far as I know, it's AFAICS
As far as I know, it's AFAICT.
As far as I know.
AFAIR in my memory
AFK away from the keyboard
AISB, as I said before,
It seems to me, too
AIUI as I understand it.
Also known as-"also known as"
Also known as
ANFAWFOS now let our sponsors say a few words.
Now it's something completely different. ...
ARP-"Address Resolution Protocol"
ARQ-"automatic repeat request"
The sooner the better.
ASCII (american standard code for information interchange code): american standard code for information interchange code.
ASP(Active Server Pages): It is the server-side scripting environment of IIS based on Windows NT.
ATLA, another three-letter abbreviation
AWGTHTGTATA, are we going through this again?
AWGTHTGTTA, do we have to go through it again?
AYOR is in your own risc
BAK went back to the keyboard.
BBL will be back later.
BBS-"bulletin board software" and "bulletin board system"
The forum will be back soon
BCNU wants to see you
BF boyfriend
See you now, BFN
Big5: Big 5 code, one of Chinese internal codes, stands for traditional Chinese characters and is widely used in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
BIOS (basic input and output system): Basic input and output system.
The robot returns to the topic.
Be right back.
Browser: Browser, a program that can find and access files anywhere on the Internet, such as Netscape Navigator of Netscape Corporation or Microsoft Internet Explorer of Microsoft Corporation.
BSD-"Berkeley Software Distribution"
BSF: But seriously, guys.
But seriously,
Nevertheless, the goal is to
Has BTDT been there?
He beat the shit out of me!
BTSOOM beat the shit out of me!
By the way
Don't forget to ring the bell.
Cc: "cc"
CD (compact disc): Small compact disc.
CGI-"Universal Gateway Interface"
CGI (Universal Gateway Interface): Universal Gateway Interface, which is the interface standard between Web servers and external applications.
CIU (computer interface unit): computer interface component.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
COTFLGOHAHA climbed on the floor and laughed his guts out. He had a heart attack.
Common abbreviations for CUA
See you later. Goodbye.
CUL8R, see you later.
CWYL will talk to you later.
CYA covers you.
D&, get down and cover.
Database management system: database management system.
DC = Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.
Dynamic data exchange: dynamic data exchange.
DEC (Digital Equipment Company): Digital Equipment Company.
"data encryption standard"
Damn it, I really don't know
DILLIGAD, do I look like someone who cares? !
DILLIGAF, do I look like someone who cares?
DIY (er): Do it yourself, generally referring to the person who operates, uses, installs and maintains the computer.
DNPM almost peed his pants.
DNS-"domain name service"
Domain: Domain, called network area, each area has its own operation mode.
DOS (Disk Operating System): Disk operating system, the most common operating system in the early days.
Did you see what I saw?
DVD (Digital Video Disc): Digital video disc.
You do what I say, not what I do.
DYHWIH, did you hear what I heard?
Don't you hate it ...
E2EG grinned.
Eide (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronic Interface): Enhanced integrated drive electronic interface standard with high transmission speed, suitable for large hard disks.
Ein (educational information network): educational information network.
Elm-"UNIX e-mail"
E-mail: letter is the general name of computer application software, which enables users to send information on different computers. E-mail is the most commonly used communication mode on the network.
End of EOD discussion
End of file
End of program
ESAL eats shit and lives!
ETLA extends three-letter acronyms
FAAK fell asleep on the keyboard.
FAFWOA of inaccessible friends
Frequently Asked Questions-"Frequently Asked Questions"
Fcc: "document cc"
first-in first-out
Firewall: Firewalls are used to divide domains, filter the data sent and received, and prevent illegal intrusion.
FITB fills in the blanks.
FOAD, fuck off and go to hell.
Friend of FOAF's friend
The father of a girlfriend's friend
FOAG, the father of a girlfriend.
Free FOC
FTASB is faster than a speeding bullet.
Face to face
FTL is faster than light.
FTP-"File Transfer Protocol" (now usually appears with lowercase letter "FTP")
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): File transfer protocol, which is the earliest file transfer program used on the Internet.
Fu screwed up.
FUBAR-"Make it unrecognizable"
Foba has changed beyond recognition.
FUBB screwed up, unbelievable.
FUD (spreading) fear, uncertainty and false information
FWIW = Value for money.
FYA for your entertainment
FYE for your entertainment
For reference only.
GA, go ahead
get away from it all
Girls have their own lives.
Gateway: Gateway, the interface connecting different network segments for data transmission.
GB: National standard code, one of Chinese internal codes, stands for Simplified Chinese, which is widely used in Chinese mainland.
Guangdong Development Bank. R-"grin and run away (after sarcastic comments)"
GFAK goes to fly kites.
GG-"good game"
GGN has to go now
Garbage in, garbage out.
GIWIST: God, I wish I had said that.
GMT-"Greenwich mean time"
GMTA, great minds think alike.
GNU-"GNU is not Unix (recursive)"
GR & grinned and ran & dodged.
GTFOOMF, get out of my face.
GUI-"graphical user interface"
HAK hugs and kisses
Hand-"Have a nice day"
Have a nice day.
HLOL laughed hysterically.
HLOLARAWCHAWMP laughed hysterically, rolled around, and clapped his hands, which made my pants wet.
Homepage: Homepage is a document. In any hypertext system, it is the initial entry point of related documents on the network.
HOMPR, wait, the phone is ringing.
An HP employee ran into the street in horror, and was accidentally killed by a yellow bulldozer ..... and couldn't stop.
HTH-"I hope this/helps"
HTML-"hypertext markup language"
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, dedicated to the global Internet, is one of the online standard formats and needs to be viewed by a browser.
HTTP-"hypertext transfer protocol"
HTTP: hypertext transfer mode is one of the commonly used transfer modes of web pages.
The husband of HWS wants sex (please forgive my slow typing)
Hyperlink: Hyperlink is the entrance to other web pages. The text containing this connection point is usually underlined in blue.
Hypertext: Hypertext. This document specification contains hypertext processing language, which can be used on web pages by linking to other places.
anyway/no matter what/ in any case
anyway/no matter what/ in any case
Anyway, IAE
IANAL: I'm not a lawyer (I'm also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA).
IANALBIPOOTV: I'm not a lawyer, but I play a lawyer on TV.
IARTPFWTSIOWIM: I repeated this sentence parrot-like, but I had no idea what it meant.
IBC is not enough, but cute.
IBTD: I beg to differ.
Veo veo
ICCL-"I don't care"
ICMP (Internet Control Information Protocol): Internet information control protocol. If the server shuts down this protocol service, you will not be able to "ping" it.
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronic Es Interface): An integrated drive electronic interface standard, which is widely used in hard disks.
IDGAD, I don't care at all.
IDGAS, I don't care.
IDK, I don't know. IDK-"I don't know"
IHTFP-"I really found heaven" (or: I hate this hellhole)
IIRC-"If I remember correctly"
IIRC, if I remember correctly.
IITYWIMWYBMAD, if I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink?
IITYWTMWYKM, if I tell you what this means, will you kiss me?
If it's me (mine)
I like it when the plan is completed
ILSHIBAMF: I laughed so hard that I broke all the furniture!
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol): Internet message access protocol, which is more advanced than POP3 protocol.
IMBO in my prejudice
IMCAO is completely arrogant in my opinion (used to attract flames! )
I think IMCO
IME in my experience
In my humble opinion
In my humble opinion
In my opinion
INPO ranks in no particular order.
"input and output" in file IO.
In other words.
IP address: Network protocol address, also known as network address and IP address, is unique in the global network and cannot be repeated.
IP (Internet Protocol): Network protocol.
IRC-"Internet Relay Chat"
IRL in real life
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture): Industry standard architecture, which is a bus architecture that will be eliminated soon.
Iso (international organization for standardization): international organization for standardization.
ISP-"internet service provider"
ISP (Internet Service Provider): Internet service provider.
ISTM, in my opinion,
I seem to remember ISTR.
IT (information technology): information technology.
I totally agree.
IYKWIM-"If you know what I mean"
IYKWIMAITYD-"If you know what I mean, I think you know"
If you know what I mean, I can swim.
Wait a minute.
Java: Java language, Java is the programming language of SUN Company, which is used to compile network-oriented small programs. Weighing? A man? What's the matter with you?
JavaScript: This is a description language for web pages, which can make them vivid. The Microsoft version of JavaScript is called JScript, which can be used in ASP.
JM2C-"Just my 2 cents"
Kiss simply, fool.
L&r = later
LAN-"local area network"
LAN (local area network): local area network.
Last in first out
LLTA, applause!
LMFAO laughed my head off.
Lol = laugh loudly.
LSHMSH laughed so hard that my waist hurt.
LTIP laughed until I vomited.
MB (megabyte): One million bytes, also known as change megabyte, is 1024* 1024 bytes.
MDA-"Mail Delivery Agent"
Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor "
Make more environmentally friendly garbage.
My favorite toy language
ROTFLBTCACTC ..... scare the cat.
ROTFLBTCASTCIIHO ... if I had one.
Rotflbtcdicajttwadbihpwtrhitsbkabayb ... danced in circles, jumped out of the window and almost got killed.
ROTFLGO ... eviscerate
ROTFLMAO-"Laughing my head off"
ROTFLOL ... loudly
Rotfrov ... tried very hard to say it out loud
ROTFLSTC ... scare the cat
Rotpf ... tried to put out the flames
ROTFWTIME rolled on the floor with tears in her eyes.
RSN will come soon (it may take a long time).
RTF-"rich text format"
RTFAQ read the FAQ, RTFI read the fucking instructions.
RTFM, read the fucking manual
RTFMA, read the fucking manual again.
RTFMS read the fucking manual, sir! (from the military)
Rtm = Reading Manual Reading Instruction Manual
RUOK, are you okay? SBCN sat naked behind the computer.
SCNR Sorry, I can't resist.
Small computer standard interface: the standard interface of small computer disk.
Standard Generalized Markup Language
Bad things happen, man. SICS sat in the chair and snickered.
SIMCA was amused sitting in the chair.
SITD is still sneaking in the dark-"serial line internet protocol"
Small things about SMOP programming
SMTP-"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"
The SMTP server can send it out.
Smtp (Simple Message Transfer Protocol) Protocol: A simple mail transfer protocol, used for the transmission of e-mail. Email needs to have
Chaos is normal, everything is messed up.
Such an important other half
Sohf-"Humor Failure"
I stink on the ice? -Short for "spelling"?
Spam-"stupid advertisement"
Scientific wild donkey guess
SWALK-"sealed with a loving kiss"
"Simple human network index system"
TAFN: That's all for now.
TANJ, there is no justice here
There is no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU, things really screwed up
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) /IP (Internet Protocol) Protocol: A set of communication protocols used in the network, including transmission protocol and Internet protocol.
TCP/IP-"Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol"
TGAL thinks globally and bases itself locally.
Thought = thought
TIA-"internet adapter"
Tia = Thank you in advance, thank you in advance.
Say half-jokingly
TINALO, this is not a legal opinion
Tina: This is not a suggestion.
That's not what I said.
Tla = three-letter abbreviation.
Tlavg = verygood is very good.
TMTOWTDI: There is more than one way to do it.
There is nothing on TV, ....
TNX, thank you TPS. This program sucks.
The power of TPTB
TRDMC's tears rolled down my cheeks.
A complete failure of humor.
As far as I know
TTFN will go first for the time being.
Ttul = Talk to you later.
TTY-"remote type"
Talk to you later
TTYRS will talk to you soon.
The user file TUFD is dead
TVM, thank you very much
TWIMC-"to relevant personnel"
TYCLO, turn off your caps lock. (Stop shouting. )
Tyvm = Thank you very much.
You, you
UBD users are brain-dead
UDP-"user datagram protocol"
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): User Datagram Protocol is a fast protocol based on TCP/IP protocol, but it does not have good security.
UPGS unfinished project guilt syndrome
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply): Uninterruptible power supply.
Ur = yours, yours
URL-"Uniform Resource Locator"
URL: Global Resource Uniform Locator, the only anchor point for web pages on the global Internet.
UTC under the counter
UTT under the table
VCD (Video Disc): A visual disc.
VETLA is very enhanced
VGA (Video Graphics Array): Video graphics array.
VR(Virtual Reality)
Video reading memory: the display memory of the display card.
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language): A virtual reality simulation language, which can make web pages produce three-dimensional animation effects of virtual reality.
WAB? What other bill?
Shake the wild donkey and guess
Wide area information server
Wide area information service: wide area information service.
WAN (Wide Area Network): A wide area network or a remote network.
WDYMBT, what do you mean?
Who cares about WGAS?
WIBAMU well, I'll be the monkey's uncle.
WIBNI, if you can
WMMOWS wash my mouth with soap!
WNOHGB that no one has ever been to.
WWW (World Wide Web): The World Wide Web is the fastest growing part of the Internet, and it needs a browser to browse.
WYLABOCTGWTR, do you want a bowl of cream to go with this sentence?
Do you want a dish of milk?
What you see is what you get = what you see is what you get.
What you thought you saw, you didn't get it.
YAOTM digress again.
I think you have a serious problem.
YMMV-"Your mileage may be different" (you may not have my luck)
YWIA-"Welcome in advance"
YWSYLS, you have gains and losses