How to refund the fees of Shi Sheng Mingde Education Institution?
You can consult the refund process at the store where Shi Sheng Mingde Education Institution is located first, or you can call the customer service telephone of Shi Sheng Mingde Education Institution for consultation. For different educational institutions and specific refund reasons, the specific refund process may be different, but all need to provide relevant certificates and procedures, such as student ID card, refund application form, ID card, etc. The refund cycle of different educational institutions may be different, which takes one week to one month. If it is the responsibility of the educational institution that leads to the need for refund, you can claim compensation from the educational institution according to the relevant provisions of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests (hereinafter referred to as the Consumer Law), and you can complain to local consumer associations and other departments.