Understand the essence of money
Explore the types, sources, uses and magic of savings with children. Through vivid dialogue, money knowledge is no longer boring!
Cultivation of saving habits
Encourage children to set up their own savings accounts and regularly deposit pocket money or birthday gifts. Teach them how to save money and how to increase the value of money!
Clever management of pocket money
Give children a certain amount of pocket money so that they can find a balance between consumption and savings. Cultivate children's consumption concept and let them learn to spend money wisely.
The Art of Budget Management
Make a shopping list with your children and calculate the expenses and expenses. Let them understand the importance of budget and learn to live within limited funds.
Create income-generating opportunities
Encourage children to participate in housework or help neighbors complete simple tasks. Let them experience the joy of making money and understand the value of labor.
The power of parents' example
As a parent, your money habits have a profound influence on your children. Share experiences with children, learn together and grow together.