1. Leading the War of Independence: Bolí var led Venezuela's War of Independence in the early19th century and resisted Spanish colonial rule. After years of fighting, Bolivarian successfully liberated Venezuela and declared its independence in 182 1. This war of independence not only changed the fate of Venezuela, but also inspired the independence movement in South America.
2. Making a Constitution: Bolivarian made the first constitution for Venezuela, namely 18 19 Venezuelan Constitution. This constitution established the republic system of government, emphasized the principles of democracy, freedom and equality, and laid the foundation for Venezuela's political development.
3. Establishment of the Republic: In 18 19, Bolivarian announced the establishment of the Republic of Venezuela and took office as President. He devoted himself to the construction and development of the country, promoted the construction of economy, education and infrastructure, and put Venezuela on the road of independent development.
4. Safeguarding national unity: After Venezuela's independence, Bolivarian made efforts to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity. Through diplomatic means and military actions, he successfully resolved the threat of separatist forces and made Venezuela a unified country.
5. Promote the liberation of South America: Bolivar not only led Venezuela's war of independence, but also actively participated in the liberation movement of South America as a whole. He led the "great liberator" army and liberated Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia successively, making great contributions to the independence of South America.
Generally speaking, Simó n Bolí var's contributions to Venezuela mainly focused on leading the war of independence, formulating the constitution, establishing a republic, safeguarding national unity and promoting the liberation of South America. His revolutionary spirit and political achievements made him a hero and "father of the country" in the hearts of the Venezuelan people.