Postpartum deep pulse blood test is a disease that easily occurs in women in the second month, especially in the first week after delivery. Generally speaking, deep pulse blood test is the most common in lower limbs, and can also occur in portal vein, mesenteric vein, renal vein, ovarian vein and pulmonary vein.
Two reasons for postpartum prone to deep pulse blood test
(1) Blood is in hypercoagulable state. During pregnancy, the coagulation factors in the blood will increase and the factors that dissolve thrombus will decrease. This phenomenon will last for a period of time after delivery, which makes the blood in a hypercoagulable state and easy to form thrombus.
(2) The venous blood flow slows down, and the enlarged uterus in the third trimester compresses the deep vein, which hinders the blood return, resulting in slow blood flow and stagnation in the vein; In addition, blood vessel injury caused by delivery, or long-term bed rest due to caesarean section and serious vaginal injury, failed to get up early. This can easily lead to slow blood circulation, blood accumulation in deep venous vessels, coagulation in venous vessels to form blood clots, leading to embolism.
Three adverse consequences of postpartum deep pulse blood test
(1) causes thrombophlebitis of lower limbs. When blood circulation becomes slow, it is very easy to form thrombus in venous vessels of lower limbs. Thereby causing varicose veins or further aggravating the original varicose veins during pregnancy, leading to thrombophlebitis. When deep vein blood test occurs in calf vein, red and swollen blood vessels can be seen on calf skin. It not only makes the parturient feel bloated, but also causes pain when the calf bends. When thrombophlebitis is formed in the thigh, the skin of the whole lower limb will become swollen, stiff and white, causing pain and difficulty in walking.
(2) Deep vein blood test caused by pelvic vein. When pelvic vein embolism occurs, the parturient has abdominal pain, high fever and other symptoms, accompanied by tenderness of lower limbs, redness of skin and edema.
(3) Causing terrible pulmonary embolism. If a blood clot runs to the lungs with the blood flow, it will cause a deep venous blood test. Detection of deep venous blood is a serious complication in perinatal period. Because the embolus of deep vein is small, it is easy to fall off and swim. When the embolus blocks the pulmonary artery, pulmonary embolism will occur, leading to sudden death of the mother.
Six effective preventive countermeasures
(1) Avoid standing and sitting for a long time during pregnancy.
In the third trimester of pregnancy, or when varicose veins have just appeared in the feet and legs, or when varicose veins have already formed, we should be careful not to stand for a long time, not to sit cross-legged for a long time, and not to walk long distances often.
Pay attention to changing positions frequently at ordinary times. If you have to stand or sit for a long time, such as sitting in an office during the day, you should stand up and walk for half an hour to get your feet moving.
You can lift your legs and put them on the table when you can. When standing for a long time, you should pay attention to adjusting your posture from time to time. For example, you can stand with one knee slightly bent, so that you can put your body's center of gravity on your legs in turn, promote the venous blood of lower limbs to return to your heart and reduce the development of varicose veins.
(2) Details of life during pregnancy promote venous blood return.
The underwear should be looser and the abdomen should not be too tight, which will affect the venous blood return.
If varicose veins have just formed, after getting up every day, when varicose veins and edema of the lower limbs are mild, put on high elastic socks, or wrap elastic bandages on the lower legs from bottom to top, and take them off before going to bed at night.
When there is a venous tumor in the lower limbs, you should be careful in your usual actions to avoid hitting the venous tumor.
(3) Avoid bathing with cold water or overheated water. Water with the same body temperature is most suitable.
In order to relieve venous pressure, constipation should be prevented or corrected in time. Every time you go to the toilet, cough or asthma, you should actively cure it.
When sleeping, especially at night, use a pillow to pad the foot pad a little higher to promote the smooth return of venous blood in lower limbs.
(4) Avoid pregnancy complications.
Data show that complications such as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, placenta previa and dystocia will increase the probability of venous embolism. Therefore, full attention should be paid to avoid these complications during pregnancy.
Regular check-up during pregnancy is the best way to find pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome early.
Avoid overwork and get enough sleep every day for at least 8 hours; Don't go up and down, see a doctor if you feel uncomfortable; Arrange a balanced and reasonable diet and don't put on too much weight. Obesity is easy to cause pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome; Take the left lateral position when sleeping or lying down to promote venous blood return of lower limbs and avoid varicose veins or venous tumors.
Avoid the fetus from growing too big. When the fetal position is not correct, under the guidance of a doctor, insist on lying flat on the chest and knees to correct the fetal position. From the beginning of pregnancy, receive the health education of painless delivery, understand the delivery process, choose various methods to alleviate the pain of delivery, eliminate fear and avoid dystocia.
Prenatal examination should be done on time, and placenta previa should be found early through B-ultrasound examination and treated appropriately.
(5) Exercise before and after pregnancy.
For pregnant women, the best way to prevent deep vein embolism is exercise. Exercise can accelerate the blood circulation of the whole body and prevent postpartum venous blood stasis and thrombosis. Therefore, even in the third trimester, don't stop exercising because of mobility inconvenience, continue walking or do proper housework.
In order to prevent the occurrence of thrombophlebitis, it is best to do some toe exercises before getting up every day, then move your feet and press them against the bed, and then move them left and right.
The first week after delivery is a period of frequent deep pulse blood tests, and pregnant women should get out of bed as soon as possible and exercise properly. Master the principle of increasing exercise from small to large, and don't feel tired, especially for women who have caesarean section.
If there is no perineal laceration, fatigue has been eliminated, and there are no other serious diseases in the body, you can sit up and drink water 12 hours after delivery.
Women who give birth naturally can sit up and lean on the bed 6-8 hours after delivery. /kloc-After 0/2 hours, they can go to the toilet with their families. After 24 hours, they can walk freely in the long corridor of the hospital or the bedroom at home according to their own situation, and do some slight activities, such as turning over in bed, lifting their legs and walking around the bed. They can also stand up and change the baby's diaper.
On the first day of getting up, sit by the bed for half an hour in the morning and evening, and walk slowly indoors from the next day, 2 ~ 3 times a day for 30 minutes each time. Then gradually increase the number and time of activities, and start doing some light housework after half a month.
Even after caesarean section, it is not advisable to lie still, and get up and move as soon as possible after consciousness is restored. After 24 hours, you can practice turning over and stretching your limbs, sitting up from the bed, getting out of bed and moving slowly to ensure the continuous flow of deep vein blood.
(6) Take appropriate measures after caesarean section.
Prevent dehydration and concentrate blood. The parturient who delivered by caesarean section consumes a lot of body, eats less, and the blood is easy to concentrate. In addition, blood is hypercoagulable during pregnancy, which is easy to form thrombus. Therefore, attention should be paid to supplementing water and correcting dehydration after operation, such as routine infusion 3 days after operation; Eat some liquid food, such as egg drop soup, lotus root starch, etc. 6 hours after operation; On the second day after operation, after normal intestinal ventilation, eat some semi-liquid foods such as porridge and crucian carp soup.
Intravenous infusion of upper limbs should be used as far as possible to prevent glucose and some drugs in the liquid from stimulating the vein wall and inducing thrombosis. If the vein of the lower extremity is injured, it is more likely to cause thrombosis. You can't ask a doctor for lower limb infusion just for convenience.