"Sakura International Japanese" is an independent educational institution introduced from Japan by New World Education Group. At present, it is the only institution offering high-end Japanese training courses in China, which basically monopolizes the domestic high-end Japanese training field.
Sakura International Japanese is one of the most important brands in New World Education. Since the first center was opened in Shanghai in February 2007, nearly 43 learning centers have been opened in nearly 27 cities across the country.
Based on the advanced Japanese systematic education, the center relies on the successful Japanese localization counseling experience of New World Education Group for many years. All foreign teachers have a luxurious lineup, convenient conditions for learning anytime and anywhere, innovative and scientific multimedia teaching, and in-depth contact with Japanese culture. Let you learn Japanese in all directions and learn Japanese well. It brings a brand-new solution to Japanese learning in China.
"Sakura International Japanese" is based on Japanese learning habits of China people, integrates advanced multimedia Japanese teaching products, cooperates with high-end foreign teachers' teaching, and blends into the real language environment of Japanese culture. Create a multidimensional and efficient Japanese teaching model. Completely solve the problem of traditional Japanese learning. Give you a brand new Japanese learning experience.
Sakura International Japanese, combining the essence of Japanese frontier language education, unites Japanese professors with rich teaching experience and China teachers with profound Japanese knowledge, and offers unique courses of applied spoken Japanese and business Japanese for individuals and enterprises, as well as colorful cultural development courses, extracurricular activities and friends-making communities all over Japan.
Carlyle Investment Group, the world's largest private management fund, recently announced that it will spend $20 million to join hands with Sakura International Japan. Sakura International Japanese plans to open at least 18 learning centers nationwide in the next two years, with the goal of becoming a leader in high-end Japanese training in China.
This investment is the second time that Carlyle Investment Group has joined forces with educational institutions after the acquisition of Wall Street English in 2006. Carlyle Investment Group said that Sakura International Japanese was chosen as the investment target mainly because of the recognition of the management team and teaching mode of Sakura International Japanese and the expectation of the huge potential of Japanese training market in China.
Carlyle Investment Group believes that Sakura International Japanese will become another "Wall Street" in the field of Japanese training. Headquartered in Beijing, it has branches in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Ningbo, Dalian, Qingdao, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Dongguan.