What are the majors in pedagogy, preschool education, special education, educational technology, primary education, primary education, art education, humanities education, science education, speech and audiology, Chinese education, psychology, applied psychology, mental health education, physical education, music education, sports training, social sports and sports human science?
Chinese education, mathematics education, English education, physics education, chemistry education, biology education, history education, geography education, music education, art education, ideological and political education, primary education, preschool education, modern educational technology, special education, children's rehabilitation, crowd rehabilitation, primary education and early education.
What is the employment prospect of pedagogy major? In recent years, the employment rate of pedagogy is around 95%, and many graduates have gone to school to be teachers. According to the type of occupation, teachers can be divided into two types: teaching type and non-teaching type. The familiar teaching profession is a teacher standing on a three-foot platform. At present, many primary and secondary schools in China require teachers to have bachelor's degrees or master's degrees, while universities require teachers to have doctoral degrees, and some universities also have master's degrees in some majors. Compared with previous years, the employment threshold is higher.