Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said: "Love is a great power. Without love, there is no education ",and the most effective means of education is" education of love ".
Love education is the basic principle and method of children's education. From Confucius' "benevolence" to Mozi's "universal love" shows the importance of love, and Mr. Tao Xingzhi's thought of "universal love for the world" further promotes the education of love.
The Education Bureau informed: "Schools are the main front for educating the next generation and building socialist spiritual civilization, and it is the sacred duty of educators to protect the healthy growth of children. However, in recent years, corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment have occurred frequently in a few schools, and some even violently attacked students, with particularly bad influence. This phenomenon seriously violates the party's educational policy and hinders children's physical and mental development, and must be resolutely stopped. "
I don't think the notice from the Education Bureau can be violated.
Adhere to the positive education, sensibility, rationality, guidance and perseverance of students. It is necessary to discipline and guide, but also to be strict, to teach by example and to be tireless.
This is what an educator should do.
Not corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguise.
Therefore, I think love education is more effective than corporal punishment.