The top art colleges in Russia are basically state-owned universities with a high degree of professional subdivision.
Low tuition
Compared with many universities with good art majors in Europe and America, the tuition fees for studying in Russia are low.
language barrier
Language is the real obstacle compared with the cost of studying abroad. The Russian Academy of Art offers a one-year language course, which allows students to learn languages in the Russian language environment while experiencing Russian life, and then to study professionally.
Humanized education
The practice of Russian schools is very humane. They don't need students to receive Russian language training in China.
Art masters gather.
Russia has a long history and a profound educational foundation in the field of art, including music, art, design and dance. Its artists are world-renowned.
World-class art competition
Today, Russian art and its art education still occupy an important position in the world. The annual Tchaikovsky Piano Competition is the top music competition in the world, and piano geniuses are most eager for it.
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