A: Educational modernization is a historical transformation process based on traditional education, actively absorbing foreign excellent educational achievements and creating modern education. Specifically, it includes the following meanings:
(1) Educational modernization is a historical process;
(2) The essence of educational modernization is to create education that adapts to large-scale industrial production and socialized lifestyle;
(3) Educational modernization is based on educational tradition;
(4) Educational modernization is also realized in the process of actively absorbing foreign excellent educational achievements.
Educational modernization is an all-round educational modernization, which mainly includes the following contents:
First, the modernization of educational concepts;
Second, the modernization of educational goals;
Thirdly, the modernization of educational content;
Fourth, the modernization of educational methods and means;
Fifth, the modernization of the teaching staff;
Sixth, the modernization of education management;
Seventh, the modernization of educational equipment;
Eighth, the modernization of the education system.
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I. Purpose of the event
According to the group company's strategic concept of implementing the life