First, awards.
For us students, what we want most is nothing more than an excellent grade, because after every exam, students with excellent grades will get a beautiful certificate.
When we take the certificate home, we will show it to our parents, and we may get some generous rewards at this time. In fact, this time is also a very happy thing, because you can get the gifts you want, and parents are also very happy after seeing the results, thinking that their daughter is excellent and will be praised by them.
Every parent wants their children to do well in school, after all, there will be light on their faces. There is Yan Ruyu in the book, and there is a golden house in the book. Parents hope that their children can change their destiny and dominate their future life through the power of knowledge.
In fact, it is also an incentive for parents to see their children's hopes and encourage them to go up a storey still higher. This is also a symbol of family education. Some families just teach their children well.
Second, encourage.
Every time I get a certificate, I feel very happy. Teachers will pay attention to it at school, and parents will reward it at home.
I believe this is actually a good encouragement to myself. Everyone will have different achievements at different stages of life, which may be one of them.
When we grow up, we will carefully recall the past and feel that this moment is very beautiful and worth remembering.
In other words, this is also the taste of childhood and the result of my previous efforts. After all, what I give always pays off.
I hope every child's life is full of sunshine. If you have a better idea, you can leave a message below.